Name: Alice Velmont
Age: 17
Favourite Subject at Hogwarts: My favourite class would be the same as most people, DADA. I love the fact that it is such an interactive class and the idea of learning to defend and attack is rather alluring. I think that the fact that DADA is the opposite of the Dark Arts is even more interesting. But in all reality, to get a better sense of what Defence against the Dark Arts is, you have to know what the actual Dark Arts are themselves. I think that that is a mistake at Hogwarts. The school needs to show both sides of the spectrum. But sure, DADA. It's a fun subject. Let's kill some boggarts everybody! XD
Favourite Hogwarts teacher: Most definitely our beloved Severus. It's funny because we see so much of him and know so little. He is by far the most diverse character in the series. The most we actually know is that his dad was an ass, his mum wasn't attractive, he has emo-kid anger issues, and he hated the Marauders. The most interesting thing is that he never stops teaching Harry. Toward the end of the HBP, Harry is chasing Snape, making his usual assumptions that Severus is the evil overlord and wants to destroy all things happy, and makes a failed attempt to use an Unforgivable on Snape. Now, the real catch to this scene is when Snape yells at Harry that he needs to realize he can never use an Unforgivable (because he doesn't have the true want to, as said by Bellatrix) and to stop saying the spell out loud so everyone can know what he is shooting at them. He has never stopped teaching him. Perhaps it is because Dumbledore has wish him to take care of Potter or god knows what, but it makes me think a bit. I love the interesting relationships among him and the rest of the characters. I guess it's difficult to explain.
Which student at Hogwarts (from the books) would be your best friend?: Argh... uh. Probably Ginny. She has a respect for sarcasm and a sly creativity. She seems like a rather interesting enough person to befriend, although I never really have put the effort into having a best friend. Just a few close ones. I love her sense of humour. She has a knack for making fun of people in a witty way but she (unlike me) will defend someone if they are getting unfair treatment. I respect that. She is similar to some of my friends that I like more than the rest. I just have the feeling we would get along well.
What wizarding job would you like to have?: Working as an Unspeakable has really captured my interest. I would be endlessly intrigued by the vast amounts of items to study, whether they be minor objects or ones that posses great power. It’s riveting to think about all those strange things that we witnessed in the Department of Mysteries, such as the bell that shrank the Death Eater’s head. Now that is what I would call funny. I think my only problem would be having to keep quiet. Oh well, I’d still work there if they were smart enough to give such an amazingly fabulous person like me hat kind of opportunity. ;)
How do you spend your leisure time at Hogwarts?: Most likely drawing, painting, 'chillin with my homies, or walking around the grounds doing things I've specifically been instructed NOT to (it's a habit) but of course, not getting caught. I have an extremely artistic creativity going on in my head that contributes to my lazy, procrastinator-personality. I get things done on my time. Besides, I like to isolate myself from people to avoid being annoyed by the unbelievable amount of idiots I often find myself surrounded by. Aka kids. And we know there are kids at Hogwarts. But anywho, I just explore the grounds. I'm lazy so there isn't much I can say I would actually do outside of laying on a sofa whining to myself that I'm bored.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into?: I was thinking about this earlier today! I have no idea! Oh no oh no, I know. A drowning cat. That, i think, is the sickest thing I have ever thought of. Okay, I lied, it probably isn't. But I love cats and to see one droning is the worst thing I could ever feel. Worse than drowning BABIES. I have a really freaking big soft spot for kittens. If my house were to burn down, I would die saving my cats. It's a sad sad reality, folks.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?: I see myself as successful in my career. Perhaps a spouse. No children, I hate kids. A career is the ultimate form of success, in my opinion and I would just keel over and die if I failed at that, but I don't think I'll ever feel successful if I don't have someone else in my life (oh god, here comes the corn! dun dun dun!). Being alone is something that I think- okay, hahaha. I can't go on anymore. Basically, I want to kick some corporate ass.
Would you have put your name in the Goblet of Fire?: AHAHAHAHA. Ehm- no. No I would not. I don't really want to die, thank you. I might like action, adventure, and the amazing feeling of annihilating whoever my competitors are and crushing their little dreams, but I'm not going to risk my life to go get some damn shiny egg from a crazy-ass mofo of a dragon just to move on to the next challenge. I'm not a wussy. I just know what stupid bravery is. Sitting in the crowd watching some other moron get their head beaten to a pulp sounds better than being that stupid moron.
Voldemort: Evil, Genius, or just plain Misunderstood? And why? Evil? Yes. Genius? Yes. Misunderstood? Ha. Voldemort, in my opinion, is definitely a genius. I respect him in that aspect. He is very good at manipulating and getting done what he needs to do. His ability to become the powerful thing that he is definitely requires some genius. Sure he's nutterbutters but he knows what he wants and he won't stop at anything to get it. Which that also focuses on the 'evil' side. Yeah. If I use the stereotypical definition of the word 'evil', then yes, he is. But my definition of evil is rather different from most, I think. "There is no good and evil in this world, only power and those too weak to seek it."- Quirrellmort. That is a statement I feel describes my definition of good and evil to the bone. The weak view the powerful as evil because they use whatever means they can to get what they want, even if it means trampling some people while they in turn veiw themselves as good and righteous. But then the powerful look at the weak and see them as, well... weak. Anyways, I don't think Voldemort is misunderstood. Agh I hate it when people are like "omg so-and-so is just this poor, misunderstood, lost boy/girl." Come on.
Under what circumstances would you use an Unforgivable Curse?: Ahahaha. Yea. If someone pisses me off enough, I would love to let them know that they shouldn't do that. Besides, I think watching the effects is interesting enough. That sounds really morbid, I know. Kind of like my death-toll fascination with natural disasters... shut up I know I'm weird...
If the need to AK someone before they AKed me, then hell yes I would. Now, I'm not saying I would use Crucio and Avada Kedavera like candy like someone we know (cough*VOLDEMORT) buuuut they could come into use. Bottom line, yes, I believe I would use them if in the right mood or situation.
What single quality goes the furthest in defining who you are?: Ambition. Pure ambition. It has sculpted my personality. I don't think I would have my sense of humour if it weren't for my never-ending sense of needing to be recognized as smart. I pay attention to the world and its annoying, pointless issues. I can hold a decent conversation but the more I learn, the easier it is for me to be funny and laid back. It's an interesting effect. Also in the same sense I have to be successful in a career. A good career and well established place in society is what I see as success.
What makes a person respectable?: Intellect, appearance, vocabulary, and easygoing-nees (not a word, I know). Intellect: I respect people who have something going on up in their noggin. Stupidity really just grates on my nerves and heightens the likeliness of me, yelling at you. I like being able to hold a decent conversation over various subjects such as politics, space, games..., culture, human rights, and ect. Appearance: For the love of all things holy, I hate it when people look like complete frumpy slobs. Now this doesn't mean I like preps and jocks. I don't. I dislike stereotypical people. I think the way people dress really shows a large part of their personality and mood. For example, in the business world, you dress professionally. It is appealing. Dress to appeal. I'm not saying someone in pj pants, an old wife-beater shirt, and stained fuzzy slippers wearing a track jacket at the super-market at 1 am is unacceptable. Shit, I would do that at 1pm. But people need to know what is flattering. I won't be seen with a person that is wearing a shirt that is being engulfed by endless rolls of blubber. Vocabulary: Like omg, I like totally like, hate it when girlz talk like this, n like yea. Ok, vocabulary says a lot about a person. You can be laid back and use slang, yet still give off a vibe that you're smarter than the chair you're sitting in. And it's very much the way you say the word as well. And last but not least, I dislike uptight people. They make me anxious and stressed out. I like hippies. They are pretty easy going. It might be the weed, I don't know! I respect a person that can lay back and take a situation on calmly. That takes effort. Or procrastination and laziness.
What do you look for in a friend? : I love people who can just sit back and chill. I'm generally pretty laid back so being around people with major anxiety issues drives me up a wall. I want responsible friends with a good sense of humour. If I share many qualities, mainly humour, with someone, then chances are we'd get along. That'd be why my sister and I are homies. She is just the kind of person I love to be around, we share the same sad, sad, obsessions, and we find the same things funny. And I live with her. But I will not befriend someone who doesn't take care of their appearance. I don't mean I want someone who goes all out on the looks, but a little care would be nice. Besides, I like to criticize people who look bad. It's their own damn fault.
What qualities do you possess from each of the four houses?:
For: Loyalty is defiantly something I adhere to. I would never betray the few people I am close to. I have major issues with back-stabbing unless someone rightfully deserved it. Then it’s A-O-K! (thumbs up*) :D
I can be bold in the right situations and I’m okay at thinking on a whim. Generally speaking, I am not like the idiot people in horror movies who have a nack for opening "the scary-ass door" (for example) that probably has a serial killer behind it. Bad bad bad. In comparison with the trio, I wouldn't do half the things they have but I do respect the fact that they are brave. Or just stupid. But when it comes to saving one of the few (two people, i believe)people's live that I care about, I'm all in. I'd take a bullet for them
Against. Although I have a little bit of courage, it is very limited. But perhaps it's what most people call "common sense". Half the situations the trio have been in, I think ninety percent of the time I would have cried and ran. Quite frankly, I think in the second book when Harry and Ron came across Aragog that the concept of a giant spider would have made me wee myself (figuratively. And that is just to put it lightly. And another thing; I really don't want to die. That's probably where half of my coward-like side comes in. Hehe.
For: I can be an accepting person. I'll talk to anyone with a brain. I have a critical side but based on just a few things. However, if you fit those really strict requirements, you're cool. I don't hold much of a prejudice against any of the other house members. Quite frankly, I think the house squabble is really lame. The whole ‘separation’ idea was a bad one. We hang out with people in everyday life that would fit into different houses, so why the hell should house classification get in the way? I judge people on their personality and brain power rather than money and popularity. I can be pretty laid back and happy. Until someone pisses me off... I can be really giving. I love to buy people stuff when I actually have a bit of cash. Maybe it's just because I get overly excited when it comes to money, but I just enjoy treating people to dinner or something like that because it makes them happy. I like happy people. And just a short note, I'm big for human rights. :D
Against: Most people that know me would not put me in this house. I don’t judge people strictly on appearance and status, but that still factors in. I have a tendency to be very critical when it comes to intelligence, vocabulary, hygiene, and how annoying someone is. Bottom line, it takes a lot to impress me. Other wise, I could care less.
From what I gather I am not too nice. When I'm calm, its fine, but I have this thing called a 'mood disorder' that really helps me and my... anger management issues. Hufflepuff is a joke when it comes to me. Really, I'm laughing. I’m a horrible person. I'll admit it. I am far to critical of people even though I judge mainly on intelligence and hygiene. Popularity is not a concerning factor, but I have MAJOR issues with people who look frumpy or are stinky. There's always that one stinky kid that you can't get away from. I guess overall I am way too picky in life. I mean, I haven't dated anyone in....... a long time. Because I hate people. I try to avoid them for long periods of time unless I'm feeling social and I have a tendency to snap at them for no particular reason.
For: I love school and books. Overall, I am a huge nerd. And I love it. I enjoy sitting back and thinking about abstract things such as space. The endless amounts of unknown information about space in itself is amazing, but the things that we DO know are damn cool. And I'm and artist. I have a very creative side. I might not be strong on the logical side of my brain (because I've failed Algebra I for probably the 5th time already) but when it comes to art I can understand the concept instantly. Just sitting back and thinking is something I enjoy. I'm a sucker for history classes too. I like discussing the idea that everything in history is related and every war can be traced back to religion. Bottom line, I love learning. I don't think the human species would be successful if it weren't for our thirst for knowledge and learning. An ignorant population only destroys itself.
Against: Ohhhhhh mygad. I am SUCH a freaking procrastinator. I rarely get anything done on time. Deadlines are a major issue in my life. Although I love to learn, I get bored with subjects like nobody's business. In other words, I am lazy. I have OCD, but not when it comes to getting work done. I am no busy bee. I tend to get McLazy.
For: I can't say I'm generally a nice person. Not that I mean it (okay, yes I do most of the time). Now, when it comes to loyalty, I am loyal, but to an extent. If I have to step on a few people to get to the top, then by god I will. It's their fault for being weak. I determine success as a strong career, whether it be in politics, art, or whatever you so choose. If you have a respectable position and status in society, then I respect you. Now, manipulation and the ability to be cunning I see as two very important pieces in my personality. People will try to surpass you in success, but that’s why you beat them into their place using a very hard mallet (figuratively speaking). That pretty much means be smart and show 'em what you're made of. I can't say that I don't enjoy doing that either. It's a small personality flaw. To sum it all up, I will use any means to achieve my ends, thank you. And if given the choice to become a DE or die, I'm going to go with the one that involves living. Or I could just run away to Siberia. You know, there's tigers there. Like giant fluffy cats.
Against: Human rights. Throw me into the Wizarding world and quite frankly, the whole Half-Blood Pure-Blood conflict would just get on my nerves. I don't give a rat's ass what your genealogy is. Sure it would be nice to be a Pure-Blood since that does tone down your likeliness of being mauled by Death Eaters but in all reality, it probably means there is some form of inbreeding in your family history. That's just wrong. But the whole blood dilemma is stupid. If you parked a Pure, Half, and Muggle-born next to each other, could you really tell them apart? It makes not difference when it comes to capability who your related to. The whole thing is just stupid.
If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?: Freaking wars and politics. Good god you have no idea how sick I am of these stupid wars and their religious dilemmas. I don't give a rat's ass if you are loyal to Jesus, Allah, Buddha, or the joint you're smoking in the school bathroom. Just take a chill pill. I'm sick of the gay rights dispute in the US of A. Whatever happened to that thing in the Declaration of Independence that stated "all men are created equal"?!?!?!??! But no. Because some selfish conservative chauvinistic pigs can't pull the stick out of their asses and realize that were all made of the same shit, we have to have these stupid disputes over marriage. They might as well bring back segregation while they're at it. Hell, if only opposite sexes can marry, then why don't we just say only THIS race can use THIS bathroom. It's stupid. People are offended by homosexuals and say that it's wrong to band who you want to, but does it really even effect them? I don't think a gay couple is making a strict homophobic couple on the other side of the country scream in pain. People need to get over their stupid issues.
Whoo. Sorry about that. One of my more passionate issues... I'm done.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: My height. I'm sick of being short and getting carded everywhere I go. I do actually look older than I am to those who don't judge age on height. Besides, it limits the kinds of people I can date. Come on, a five foot tall chick with a six foot tall guy?
If you were an animagus, what would you turn into? (Assuming that the animal reflects the person, it is not chosen.): Ahh, a crow. I'm not sure why. That's what everyone else tells me. I'm loud about my opinion, I'm smart, and I like to stand in front of your car on the road and fly away just before you hit me. Or I can just poop on you.
I guess I just resemble crows. They're witty, alert, they don't do anything useful, and have an uncanny ability to start making noises when you want peace and quiet.
In which house do you think you belong, and why?: I'll give it a whack and say good 'ol Slytherin. I'm sorted there every time... Just fits with my personality. I'm ambitious, self serving, assertive, I will use any means to achieve what I want, I'm sarcastic, witty, and better than the lot of you. HA. Beat that. ;D
Which house would you place your best friend in? And why are they your best friend?: WTF is with the "friend" questions? Fine. My sister is my bestestestest friend in the world so I'll use her. She's in Slytherin. I don't even feel I need to explain that one. She's the damn definition of the house summed up into one ball of procrastinating flesh. She has the uncanny ability to manipulate people to her need. She really is the coolest person I know though. We share a lot in common but have our differences. We both live in Seattle, USA which is more a Liberal city. We're both big liberals. But she still has her cruel, cold side that's oh so entertaining.
How did you find us? If it was from a post say where and who posted it.: I was searching around.