Name: Alice Velmont
Age: 17
Sex: Femme fatal.
1. If you could have a Time Turner or a Felix Felicis potion, which would you pick? Why? For what would you use the item? Would you use it for something specific in the past, or present, or even something in the future? Would it be strictly personal gain? Explain. That is defiantly a tricky one, I must say. But in this case I’m going to let my undying Halo obsession take over. I would chose the Time Turner based on the fact that I would love to go a few hundred years into the future to see whether we’ve killed ourselves out (which in that case I’d just go back to out time) or if we might actually be in space. In that case I’d scream with glee and act like a complete git. Like I said, I’m a Halo nerd (for those of you who are unfortunate enough to not know, it’s only the best RPG console shooter game in the universe.).
2. What types of memories would you put in the Pensive? And why would you choose those? Mainly I would store something to the extent of a piece of advice. I have a tendency to forget things like that. Or I just don’t care. When it comes to common uses, I’d have to say placing memories of where I put things. Although I am obsessive compulsive, that doesn’t mean I’m tidy. What looks like mess to you (mainly the thick layer of clothes and papers scattered about) is really my organized system. But I do lose things often and get really angry when I can’t find them. So for the sake of the people around me and their unbroken faces, I’ll just keep the memories of where I put shit. :D
3. How do you feel about the Dark Arts in general? Explain in detail! I think that the Dark Arts are interesting indeed. If used correctly, they most defiantly could come in handy. Now, I’m not saying that I would be a complete lunatic with them (cough*Bellatrix), but in the right situation, eh, why not? Not to mention that to be successful in Defense one must have a well rounded sense of what they might run into. But in all reality, the Dark Arts are fascinating, however scary they are to some people. Now when it comes to Unforgiveables, I feel the same. If one is trying to Avada Kedavra my ass, then why should I not be allowed to do the same? Quite frankly, I don’t care if they aren’t legal. They’re useful. No hesitation to learn, and less to use.
4. Which person from the Harry Potter world do you feel you relate the most to and why? The twins. Loosely though. I have an undying need to escape from home and get out on my own. I love to make people laugh and joke around quite a bit, although I have a rather serious side. When the worst comes to worst, I'll stand up for the few people I love, which in a way sets me apart from them because I wouldn't for just anyone. As we witnessed in the OotP, they both enjoy revenge, or at least, making terrible people's live... bad. I really do do things to spite people when they piss me off. Like for example, road rage. Someone is riding my ass, I might just oooh, OOOOPS!- slam on my breaks and smash in the front end of their car. It's worth it. Minus the insurance bill... But in all reality, I enjoy being a dork. My sister and I are extremely close and we spend a great deal of time doing very odd things and making very odd noises. I draw comics, although I tend to be far too lazy to actually finalize them. Like the twins, I have a great deal of ambition and absolutely must have a job that is my dream.
5. Which character from Harry Potter is your favorite and why? Oh gee golly gee wiz. I’m a Snape lover. The fact that Severus is such a deep person really caught my attention. If you think about it, he is the one character that we know so little about yet see so much of. He is unpredictable. I love that. He has a tendency to put Harry in his place, although the kid doesn’t seem to get that. Aside from that, he never has stopped teaching Harry. In the Half-Blood Prince when Harry is chasing after him and Draco, he attempts to use an Unforgivable on Severus. But he shouts back at Harry that he’ll never be able to use one because he isn’t capable of it. He doesn’t truly want to see that kind of pain. Not to mention that Harry needs to stop saying spells out loud because it makes him predictable. He’s an amazing character. The most unique, I must say.
6. Which character from Harry Potter is your LEAST favorite and why? I’m going to say what everyone and their mom has said, Umbridge. That fat toad woman and her little black foo foo clothes. I could just beat her over the head with some dense, pointy, unforgiving object. She was nuts. Not even evil. Just purely MAD. Who in their right minds makes a kid CUT in his own hand because he mouth off? Arghhhh. Stupid fat toad. That voice. That lust for discipline. That bow. Can I go gouge out my brain now? Honestly, I wish I were there to stand up and yell what I want to yell at her. I would tell you, but you would think I got it from a sailor…
7. What wizarding job would you like to have? Why would you choose this? How would you foresee yourself accomplishing your goals to get to your career? Working as an Unspeakable has really captured my interest. I would be endlessly intrigued by the vast amounts of items to study, whether they be minor objects or ones that posses great power. It’s riveting to think about all those strange things that we witnessed in the Department of Mysteries, such as the bell that shrank the Death Eater’s head. Now that is what I would call funny. I think my only problem would be having to keep quiet. Oh well, I’d still work there if given the opportunity.
8. As a student at Hogwarts, how would you spend your free time? Explain!! Mainly just sitting around being lazy, like I am now. I’d have a few friends around me but my personality requires me to isolate myself from people for a while. I get irritated with them far too easily. So, probably for the lot of the time, I’d just be going around and exploring. Mainly places I shouldn’t be, but I can always whip up a quick way to get out of being caught (or talking my way out of it). The main problem is my nocturnal personality. My natural schedule requires me to stay awake into the wee hours of the morning, no matter if I have school or not. Therefore, I just couldn’t help but slip out oh so often and do a bit of nighttime investigating.
Black: Black is the color of the night, and of "evil." Black can also be a color of elegance or class. Black can also represent ideas such as power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, and mourning. Black can also represent a lack of color, the primordial void, emptiness. Why do you feel this suits you? Well, as you now know, I’m a night owl. I have a sophisticated personality when it comes to dealing with people I do not know, an undying want for power or a high stake in the social class, and money. I will take pride in the career that I chose, which requires all of those traits (at least, to me). Black represents intelligence and appearance. After all, no one looks bad in black.
10. Name a person, alive, dead or even a character from a movie or book, that you most admire. Why do you admire this person? Dumbledore. I’ve got a soft spot for the old guy and those lemon drops. I respect that he was the kind of person he was. He seemed to have a never ending stream of wisdom that has not ceased to amaze me. There is some sort of feeling that he gives off though. One of comfort and security. I admire the fact that he would lay his own life on the line to save someone else, because I would not do the same. And him risking his life is not done in some idiotic way (like the Trio tends to do) but rather in a more intelligent manner.
11. If you could own any magical creature, what would it be? Why? A cat. Not ttoo magical, but Crookshanks seems smarter than the average lump of a cat. Why you ask? Because I like cats damn it. They’re fluffy and lazy. They’d never give up the opportunity to sit in your lap or sleep on your face (my cats do that, yes). Cats represent more than just hairballs and laziness. There is something about them that makes them appear wise and human-like.
12. In your opinion, what are one or two of your strongest personality traits? My extreme love for all things nerdy, and ambition. Nerdom, as I call it, sums up half of me right there in the word. I’m a sucker for all things geeky. Like fantasy. Harry Potter (really?!?!?!), Halo, video games in general, Star Wars, ect ect. It really contributes to the comical side of my personality.
I have a strong ambition. The fact that I define success by a career and status in society really contributes to it. When it comes to getting what I want, I’ll get it. I don’t care what I have to do (generally when it’s more than just a little matter), but I’ll get whatever “it” is. If I fail in a career, as far as I’m concerned I fail at life. Which, of course, is not going to happen.
13. What is one of your own biggest character flaws? Is it a flaw you only see in yourself or have others pointed it out? I don’t feel guilt. Don’t play the guilty trick on me. I’ll just think you’re an idiot. Because you are. I’ll make a person cry. I don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, it’s their fault for being weak. But to add, I always have to be the best. I don’t actually try at anything, and even if I fail miserably, I’m still better than you. It just has to be that way.
14. What qualities do you value in a friend? Why do you feel these traits are important to you? Wit, humor, and loyalty. To have people in my presence that can combine wit and humor together always makes for a fun time. That’s half the reason my sister and I like each other so much. We both share those traits. Loyalty. That is defiantly something I wish I could see more of. Too many times I’ve been betrayed for the smallest of reasons. I would be loyal without breaking it to the few people I truly and deeply care about (which pretty much means my sister. Wait, she’s the only one… damn…). I will use any means to achieve my ends, but there are of course, the exceptions.
15. If you were faced with a boggart at shape would it be? Why do you fear this? I was thinking about this earlier today! I have no idea! Oh no oh no, I know. A drowning cat. That, i think, is the sickest thing I have ever thought of. Okay, I lied, it probably isn't. But I love cats and to see one droning is the worst thing I could ever feel. Worse than drowning BABIES. I have a really freaking big soft spot for kittens. If my house were to burn down, I would die saving my cats. It's a sad sad reality, folks.
16. If you looked into the Mirror of Erised, what would you see? Go into as much detail as possible. You are looking at the Mirror of Erised. What do you see?
I see myself as successful in my career. Perhaps a spouse. No children, I hate kids. A career is the ultimate form of success, in my opinion and I would just keel over and die if I failed at that, but I don't think I'll ever feel successful if I don't have someone else in my life (oh god, here comes the corn! dun dun dun!). Being alone is something that I think- okay, hahaha. I can't go on anymore. Basically, I want to kick some corporate ass.
17. Which of the Harry Potter books was your favorite and why? The Half-Blood Prince was my favourite. It was interesting indeed to learn so much about Riddlemort. He, until now, had remained very mysterious. The entire idea of horcruxes really gave the books a nasty twist. It really set up an exciting book seven. But as I said, learning the amount that we did about Riddle was amazing. The process of how he became Voldemort really sparked an interest. And now that Harry has to go destroy the horcruxes! That poor boy is doomed.
18. What is the worst quality you believe that a person can possess? Why? Pushover. I like pushovers. Because they’re easy to push over. Duh. It just makes my journey to the top even easier. If you think of life as a pyramid (much like the food pyramid *yum, yogurt!*), there has to be a base. That would be the class of pushovers. Too weak to get anywhere. They set the standard for failure. But if you ask for the actual characteristic, I would call it weakness; people who have absolutely no drive or ambition to get higher in life.
19. If you become an animagus, what animal would you transfigure into? Explain. Ahh, a crow. I'm not sure why. That's what everyone else tells me. I'm loud about my opinion, I'm smart, and I like to stand in front of your car on the road and fly away just before you hit me. Or I can just poop on you.
I guess I just resemble crows. They're witty, alert, they don't do anything useful, and have an uncanny ability to start making noises when you want peace and quiet.
20. If you could change ONE thing in the series, what would it be and why? Since many people choose similar things please explain your personal feelings on the subject. Oh wow. Huh… I guess the fact that we see so little of Remus. I like the guy. He’s just… nice. No, wait, scratch that. Ok, for the love of god, am I’m not alone on this, but was it not refreshing in HBP during the first two chapters to get out of Harry’s tiny little head? That kid has so much stupidity!!!!! that it blurs the truth out. He hears what he wants to hear. I liked actually making those judgments for myself, thank you. The bias wasn’t there. I’m just sick of Potter and his tiny thoughts.
21. Which class do you think you would do well in? Why? DADA. I love the fact that it is such an interactive class and the idea of learning to defend and attack is rather alluring. I think that the fact that DADA is the opposite of the Dark Arts is even more interesting. But in all reality, to get a better sense of what Defense against the Dark Arts is, you have to know what the actual Dark Arts are themselves. I think that that is a mistake at Hogwarts. The school needs to show both sides of the spectrum. But sure, DADA. It's a fun subject. It, unlike most subjects, could actually hold my attention, therefore I would do well. Let's kill some boggarts everybody! XD
22. Which class do you think you wouldn't do well in and why? *moan* History of Magic. One word. Binns. I’m a history nerd, but with him teaching it? I have a knack for falling asleep in class and I think I might do well with that in his class. I just- why can’t-… why does it have to be so boring? Couldn’t he introduce politics a little bit? The it might actually capture my interest.
23. If you were on the Quidditch team what position would you like to play? None. I don’t do sports. I prefer sitting in the crowd and watching some moron slam into the wall under me. But if I were forced to play Quidditch to save my life (though I’d fail miserably at it) I guess I would say Chaser. I did used to actually play sport a few eons ago and I was always in similar positions. If given the opportunity I like to be one of the key players. I don’t trust other people, and Chasers have the most power in the game. They control the ball. But I don’t do sports. I watch. I laugh at them.
24. Go to this site:
Birth months. Get your birth month, copy all the qualities under that month, BOLD 5-10 that fit you the most, STRIKE the ones that do not apply to you. FEBRUARY:
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but those not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside, not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
25. Which house do you feel you belong in? What house do you think you wouldn't belong in? Why? I know Hufflepuff is a laughing matter when it comes to me. I’m not hard working. I suck up to get what I want. It’s easier. I’m not accepting. I have strict requirements that one must meet before I actually befriend them, though it is mostly based on intelligence and hobbies. Looks do could a bit though. I hate stinky and frumpy people. I’m not nice. I admit it. Am I supposed to feel guilty?
Where I may belong? Probably Slytherin. I generally get sorted in that house. I like it. I fit in. Mainly because of my ambition and judgmental personality.
26. Why do you want to be part of this community? Will you remain active in the sub-communities and voting after you've been stamped in a house? Well I want to get sorted and I have nothing better to do with my time. Yeah, I’ll remain active. Like I said, nothing better to do!
27. How did you hear about us? If it was from someone, please state the journal name, if you saw an ad somewhere, please say where and if you remember also say who placed the ad. I found you.