OK, after all my testing the 160 meter MEPT has been off the air for some time now and been awaiting some final shielding before installing into its main case.
1. Here the coax and power supply connections are made and the SUPER VFO is ready to be cocooned within the insulating foam material.
2. The SUPER VFO pulled up into the foam and the alignment straw for getting to the frequency adjustment capacitor is shown exiting the foam material.
3. The SUPER VFO is finally sealed up within the foam and ready for installation into the case.
4. Here the VFO/foam assy' has been inserted into the bottom section of the main case and the top lid with the RF amp and LP filter can be seen.
5. A closeup view of the top of the main case. I have added an extra 2200uF/16v cap to the incoming power supply line and used a PT 78SR112VC voltage regulator to run the 1 watt RF power amplifer and the SUPER VFO/Microcontroller section which is the primary reason for adding the extra filter cap. (NOISE CONTROL)
6. Here is the straw exiting the side of the case... it only sticks out a few mm so nothing in the way and it allows me easy access to the SUPER VFO's tuning cap.
7. and poof here is the completed 160 meter MEPT.
AS ALWAYS Questions & Comments are welcome.
This information and the circuits are provided as is without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this text, the authors/maintainers/contributors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
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