Sep 15, 2005 22:18
Uh yeah..havent really been in the mood to write.
But nothing really interesting has been worth writing about.
Today I went to school ( it was boring)
Then came home and finally got this to work again
Then went to game at canfield..we lost..i hurt my elbow basically thought i broke my arm but yeah i didnt..just bruised and sore.
Varsity won..
Talked on bus with Kenzie and Hump.
See that was actually fun. I dont like volleyball. But I like talking to people I normally dont see much. Its sorta fun. I hear many interesting stories that probably will give me tips later on in life. Hah. Me and Kenzie has a nice little talk tonite. We basically shared our travis story.
We actually never did clear up that issue of what happened. But we laughed about the whole thing and our stupid freshman drama over a guy. Especially over a guy who was not worth it at all. Its just funny how things dont matter about a year later. Yet at the moment they hurt you or piss you off so badly. Thats why sometimes I dont regret stuff because later on your probably laugh.
Well im going to bed I really dont know what to talk about.
Nighty Nighty