Ohh Shit Sonnnn

Sep 17, 2006 00:07

Holyyy shitt. Watch out. Cuz I'm funny as fuck. I just got bored & went on my old screen name- xmarlonxbrando9x, and looked in my profile and found this thing. damn. Some of the entries are plain crazy. Like I'm seriously mental. This stupid thing caused so much drama. One entry I'm happy as fuck and the next I'm all like super emo cutter chick. And I'm like hitting on 3 guys at once. Holy hell. I play the damn game. haha. I'm not gonna lie... I dont remember about 80% of the things in here. Especially the bad ones. Isn't that weird? I spent all that energy being upset cuz I got in a fight with my boyfriend but in the end I don't even remember it. Or why it happened. psh good thing I had my livejournal to remind me... (yeah right)

so anyway.. I quit livejournal, moved on to xanga, deleted it. made a new one, deleted it. then made a myspace ( the king of all drama) and deleted it. The only thing that prevailed is this- my wonderful livejournal, decked out with Sonny Moore =] hehe

me & Tucker are gonna bring this back. So anyone who has a livejournal should read & comment me and tucker and then should make a new post in their livejournals. Just for shits & giggles.

Oh and here's my new word- HOT SHIT <
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