May 24, 2004 09:55
YAY ! It's finally summer no more detentions or stupid teachers or bs from ppl ! Well the first weekend of summer was great kinda... friday zac came over and that was fun we got pushed in the lake and stranded on the damn cus i didnt know that if u cant get a fourwheeler in neutral all you have to do is rock it ..yeh .....nehow that night was great fun then satyrday we were supposed to go see a movie then go swimming with everyone but yeh on the way to meet zac i kinda had a wrek.....see it was raining and i was in my jeep and if you know anything about jeeps they are extrmely top heavy and if you come around a small curve you might flip but anyway i came around a curve and slid hit a mailbox which saved my car and probly my life then spun around and ended up in a ditch on the other side of the rode in the opposite direction i was ok but my car has really bad damage which sux so bad because now i have to depend on other ppl to go ANYWHERE ahhh ! These 2 guys stopped to help me one was in a nice eclipse and was really sweet but he asked me of i had a b/f and all that right after i had a wreck which really pissed me off !!!but enough of that only a few more weeks till the beach and now im really excited cus i might be able to go with zac and his family too!! i really hope i can because that would be GRAND!!! I LOVE ZAC!!!