Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: [R] - A Blast From The Past (4/5)

Jul 06, 2013 18:39

Another update already on this fic - yes it is a miracle :)

Title: A Blast From The Past (4/5)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language, mild references to torture, sexual thoughts/content
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my Jedi!verse series of fics.
Summary: Dean and Cas meet another of Sam's Separatist informants, and Meg has some surprisingly interesting information for them.
Word Count: 2,749

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

Meg was locked up in what served as a prison in the Separatist’s underground bunker. They’d sedated her before landing on Reaper’s world, and brought her below, ensuring that she wasn’t even aware of what planet she was on, let alone where she was being held.

Meg had refused to give them anything until she was safe, and out of Roman’s reach. When she woke up, she’d either start talking, and make good on her end of the deal, or Dean was going to toss her into a Rancor’s pit.

But at the moment they were dealing with another interesting development.

Sam was in the middle of speaking to his contact in the Senate. He’d mentioned them awhile back, but he and Cas had never been introduced.

It turned out, it really was a small galaxy.

“I believe you both know Senator Lisa Braeden.” Sam said, he was smiling, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He still hadn’t been able to reach the Separatist cell that had gone silent, and Dean could practically feel the worry surrounding him.

Lisa smiled at them. Her hair was done up in an intricate bob, small pieces of her dark hair hung down from the sides, framing her face. “It’s been awhile.”

“Senator?” Cas managed not to stammer, but Dean could feel his shock. “You’re a separatist?”

She laughed. “Don’t seem so surprised.”

Sam chuckled. “The Senator’s been helping us for awhile. She keeps her ear to the ground, and does her best to keep tabs on the Chancellor whenever possible.”

“I wish I could do more.”

“You were the one who told Sam that the Chancellor vanished right after we left in search of Alastair.”

Cas didn’t flinch visibly, and his expression stayed calm, but Dean could detect a slight hitch in his words when he’d spoken that piece of Bantha Fodder’s name. Dean touched Cas’s shoulder lightly, just letting him know he was there.

Cas’s shoulder muscles relaxed under his touch.

She nodded; her eyes kind. “Yes.”

“Wow,” Dean managed. “ Just, wow.”

Cas gave her a warm smile. “We appreciated the help, and it’s nice to see you again.”

“And you Master Castiel.”

Cas started to correct her, but she held up her hand. “Official or not, you both will always be Jedi to me.”

“Thank you.” He smiled.

“Yeah,” Dean agreed. “Thanks.”

She bowed her head slightly, before turning her gaze back to Sam. “I’m afraid I don’t have much. He’s been more secretive than normal, and that’s saying something.”

Sam grunted his agreement.

“I can tell you he’s been traveling a lot, but I don’t know where. He even missed a Senate meeting, due to an ‘emergency.’ I couldn’t find out anything else without arousing suspicions.”

Dean shot a glance at Cas, who’s eyes were wider than normal, and his lips were pressed into a thin line. Cas looked pale. Dean stepped closer to him, but the other man didn‘t meet his eyes.

“No, that’s great Senator, thank you. Every little bit helps,” Sam was saying.

Goodbyes were said, and the image disappeared.

Sam turned to face them, his eyes weary, and his expression flat. “I hope your new friend has something concrete.”

Dean grimaced. “Yeah. Me too.”

Sam rubbed at his eyes, and sighed.

“You find out anything about the base?” Dean asked, not liking the dark circles and slumped shoulders the younger man was sporting.

Sam shook his head. “Nope. Not a peep from their end. And the problem isn’t on ours.”

“You gonna check it out?” Dean pressed.

“Yeah. Those are my people; my responsibility.”

He knew they needed to talk to Meg, and that she might give them a lead, an important one. But Sam was family, and these people were Separatist’s. They were all risking their lives, trying expose Roman. If they were in trouble, he couldn’t just ignore it. Besides, Sam might need the help. If there was danger there, he sure as hell wasn’t going to let him go alone. And he had a feeling Cas felt the same way, but he wouldn’t speak for him. Dean reached out, and grasped Sam’s shoulder. “I’ll go with you.”

Sam met his stare, his expression grateful.

Cas stepped forward, his pupils still too large, his shoulders too rigid.


He needed to talk to Cas in private, something wasn’t right here.

“I’ll be there as well.” Cas’s voice was steady.

Sam swallowed, and his eyes flickered back and forth between them. “Thank you, both of you.”

“No problem, Sasquatch. Gotta make sure you don’t go and get yourself shot again.”


Dean quietly asked Cas if they could talk, hoping his expression got the point across.

Cas took his hand, his palms were sweaty, and icy all at once, and he nodded guiding Dean back to their quarters.

The door closed behind them, and Cas moved to the bed and sunk down onto it. His eyes were ancient when he met Deans.

“Talk to me,” Dean breathed as he sat down next to his lover, his arm protectively slipping around Cas’s waist.

Cas leaned into his embrace. “It’s… I’m not sure how to explain it.”

Dean squeezed his waist tighter. “Take your time.”

Cas exhaled. “I felt a disturbance in the force.”

“Another vision?” Dean asked, his tone surprisingly patient considering the goosebumps on his flesh, and the way his heart had sped up.

Cas chewed on his bottom lip. “No. Nothing so specific.” Cas shivered, and he stared at the wall. “Something’s coming Dean, soon,” his tone was final, certain as he spoke, and heavy with the burden of a knowledge he didn’t want.

“And when it does, we’ll kick its ass,” Dean tried for levity, but knew it fell flat.

Cas’s eyes found his, and there was a gratitude mixed in with weariness. “It just feels as if we are always two steps behind. And now Sam’s base…” his voice trailed off.

“Hey.” Dean cupped his chin. “There are more people on our side than even we realized. We will stop him.”

Cas pressed his lips together. “Yes. But at what cost?”

Dean blinked, and couldn’t stop his thoughts from drifting to Ellen.

“You’re thinking about Master Harvelle.”

Dean almost gaped. “You reading my mind again?”

Cas smiled with his eyes. “No. Just your expression.”

“Maybe,” Dean admitted, as he kissed Cas, hating the burden Cas’s connection with the force placed on him.

Cas made a sound of contentment, and kissed him back. It was sweet and hot, and Dean lost himself to the caress of Cas’s lips dancing with his. They kissed for several minutes, just breathing each other in, and he could feel Cas relaxing, the worry was still there, but it wasn’t weighing his lover down so much.

Cas pulled back; Dean could feel his reluctance, and his longing.

Dean could relate.

There hadn’t been time for much more than a brief kiss, or touch for longer than Dean liked. He hadn’t made love to Cas for the better part of a week and he wasn’t pleased about it. Sure he was horny, and his dick was whispering about how great Cas’s ass looked, and how good his lips would feel sucking his cock, but that wasn’t all of it.

It wasn’t just about the sex.

He missed the closeness. Feeling connected to Cas in a way he never did to anyone else. He missed the way Cas’s fingers felt over his skin, the way he tasted, the way his breath came out in little pants, how Cas trusted him completely with his body, how his walls fell away, and all the worries and stress seemed to disappear for a little while.

Yep, he was definitely in love.

Cas was watching him, his eyes bluer than normal; his fingers traced a path over Dean’s jaw line.

His lips pressed into Dean’s, not moving, just touching. He lingered for several heartbeats, before pulling away again.

“We should go see if she’s awake,” his voice was rougher than normal as his fingers gripped Dean’s wrist, rubbing over his pulse point.

Dean swallowed, ignoring his protesting dick as he nodded. “Yeah. We should.”


Anna met them outside the room to the cells. She gave them a tense smile. “She’s awake.”

“She said anything useful?” Dean asked.

Anna smirked. “Not unless you consider a ten minute rant on the abysmal living conditions we’ve given her, or how she has a craving for red meat useful.”

Dean snorted. “Chatty huh?”

Anna’s expression got thoughtful, before she said. “I think she’s nervous; terrified actually, and running her mouth is the only way she knows how to deal with it when she can’t hit something.”

Cas studied his former Padawan. She was smart. “Her fear of Roman is actually quite useful. There’s more of a chance she’ll be honest if she’s afraid.”

Anna nodded. “Yeah,” her eyes danced, “If she lies, can we toss her out an airlock?”

Cas’s lips twitched; Dean laughed.

He touched Anna’s head. “Tempting, but no.”

Sam appeared in the doorway. “Thought I might join in this discussion.”

“Of course,” Cas said.

“The more the merrier.” Dean grinned.

Cas was glad Sam had decided to join them. The more people in the room, the more eyes there were to watch and observe. Everyone here was skilled at catching lies, and each of them had their strong points, what one missed, the other would catch. They needed to determine whether they could trust her intel, and Cas trusted all of them to make that choice less of a risk.

Cas took the lead, his eyes locking with Meg's the moment they entered the large room.

It had three cells that lined the walls, old fashion bars kept her enclosed. There was also a force field generator, but Sam said he preferred to do things the low tech way when it came to keeping prisoners. The less tech involved, the less that could malfunction.

He’d said it was how his mother had thought, and Cas thought there was some merit to it. If the power went out, Meg would still be trapped. Sometimes simpler was better.

Of course, bars wouldn’t hold an armed Jedi. The metal was no match for the sting of a light saber.

But Meg didn’t have a light saber.

She was sitting on the small cot in the corner of the cell, her legs were crossed, and her expression bored.

Cas didn’t buy it, her eyes were tight, and her shoulders too stiff.

“You boys missed me already?” She quipped, her tone flippant, with an edge of desire.

Cas didn’t respond, instead he walked to the front of the bars, and stared at her, hard, and unmoving. He knew his glare unnerved people, and at times that was useful.

She stared back.

He didn’t blink.

Meg sighed, and rolled her eyes, looking away.

“We had a deal,” Cas said simply, his tone laced with smite, after she’d broken eye contact. “Are you going to keep it, or do we have a problem?”

“All work and no play.”

Cas just stared, he could feel his friends behind him, offering silent support.

“Fine buzz kill. ” She stood, her movements part predator, part annoyance. “What can I do for you and your merry band of rebels?”

“You can tell us what you know about the Chancellor’s plans,” Cas stated.

“Well I can’t be certain, but he strikes me as a world domination kinda guy. Not the type to settle for second place,” she drawled, her eyes narrowed.

“Wow. That was insightful. How about something we don’t know already sweetheart?” Dean spat.

Cas just stared at her again. “Specifics would be appreciated.”

“As in?” A part of her was enjoying this, the game, the teasing, controlling what she let slip. But there was another part, Anna was right, she was afraid. Afraid of what might happen if they decided to toss her back out into the wild again. Roman would catch up with her, people made mistakes. Meg already had, and Bela had gotten her.

She knew how lucky she was that Bela had called them instead of her former employer.

“As in is the Chancellor working with anyone?” Cas said calmly, not allowing her to rattle him.

She didn’t have the power here, and Cas certainly wasn’t afraid of her. He’d been exposed to so much worse.

She tilted her head a bit, studying him. “I don’t have a name, but yeah, there were indications that he wasn’t working alone.”

“Such as,” Dean pushed.

“Such as I spoke to his little helper once. Boss man must have been busy, probably trying to get rid of you two, so I got a collect call from his understudy.”

Cas kept his excitement in check. “I’d call that more than an indication.”

She smirked.

“Can you describe him?” Sam spoke up, drawing Meg’s gaze to him, so far she’d barely paid him any attention.

“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” She looked him up and down. “Nice hair. Not many men can pull off that length.”

Sam flashed her a toothy grin. “Thanks. I wish I could say the same about you, but personally I think you’d look better as a blonde.”

Meg’s eyes flashed dangerously. “Oh, looks like pretty boy here fancies himself a comedian.”

Sam laughed darkly. “Pretty boy is losing his patience. That airlock idea is starting to sound real good,” his gaze was ice cold, his expression deadly.

Cas was impressed. Sam was scary when he wanted to be.

“Answer the question.” Cas said, adding his own layer of menace to the mix.

Meg sighed. “No. I never saw his face, and the voice was distorted.”

“You said ‘his,’ Cas pressed.

“Yeah. The way he stood, the build, certain mannerisms, all screamed man to me.”

Cas watched her face, her tone, her inflection. He believed, she believed what she was saying. There was a good chance the traitor in the order was a male. It lined up with Cas’s suspicions of who that traitor might be.

“That better not be all you’ve got,” Dean snarled.

“Oh, baby, I can go all night.” Meg leaned against the bars, her tongue flicking out and ghosting over her lips.

Dean laughed, a deep, belly laugh, that had Cas almost smiling. “Save it. No one’s buying what you’re selling bitch. Now what else do you know?”

Meg’s nose wrinkled, but she flopped back down on the cot. “Can I get a pillow at least, this beds made of rocks.”

“You aren’t getting anything until you tell us something we can use,” Dean hissed.

Meg stared them down a few moments, then Cas saw her relent. It wasn’t anything loud or flashy, just a slight sagging of the shoulders, and some of the fire left her eyes. She needed their help, and she had no other options, and she knew it.

“I saw a few names.”

“Go on,” Cas kept his tone civil, if she could play nice, then so could he.

“I don’t know what or who they are, but I committed them to memory. Thought it might be useful later,” she raised an eyebrow, “apparently I was right.”

Anna pulled out a pad, and got ready to dictate.

“Quelnot, Rylfv, and Hushmot.”

Sam made a small sound that Cas barely caught, and he moved closer to the bars. “Where did you get those names?” His tone was angry, impatient.

Meg’s eyes widened. “In an encrypted file, buried in a hidden transmission. It was a blip, nothing more, but what can I say, I’m really good at digging up things people want to stay buried.”

Sam spun, his eyes a bit wild, and he bolted from the room.

“Was it something I said,” Meg said, her eyes curious, and amused. She was probably happy she’d managed to rattle someone’s cage.

“Watch her,” Cas told Anna.

She nodded.

Cas was on Dean’s heals as they followed Sam down the hall.

“What’s going on?” Dean asked, grabbing Sam’s arm.

The younger man spun. “Those are the code names of Separatist’s colonies.” His skin was ashen, his hands were clenched. “One was destroyed months ago, the other we abandoned, and last one.” Sam swallowed, his lips dry.

“Your silent colony,” Cas whispered, his heart aching.

“We have to go now.”

Cas nodded, and felt Dean doing the same.

Cas had a horrible feeling they were too late, but he knew they had to go - those people deserved that much.

Part 5

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Comments are always loved - it's nice to know if anyone's still enjoying this :)

genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, tags: genre: crossover, tags: fic, genre: slash

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