Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: [R] - A Blast From The Past (3/5)

Jul 03, 2013 15:19

Title: A Blast From The Past (3/5)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language, mild references to torture
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my Jedi!verse series of fics.
Summary: In which they wake up Meg, and have a friendly chat with her.
Word Count: 2,339

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

“Mind tricks won’t work on her,” Cas said quietly. His expression was controlled; his posture flawless. Dean knew Cas was getting into his ‘nothing can touch me’ mindset.

“Seriously?” Dean almost growled.

“Yes. I am very serious.”

Dean almost smiled at that.

“I attempted to use it on her on Devon four. We were alone in the room - it had no effect. She is surprisingly strong minded for someone so volatile”

That was actually impressive, and extremely fucking annoying. “Maybe if we work together.”

“Perhaps, but I would save it as a last resort. If we attempt it and fail, she may be less inclined to offer up information. She strikes me as someone who might hold a grudge.”

Dean snorted. “You have a way with words, Cas.”


Dean approached the still form of Meg Masters. He’d never actually seen her in person until today. He’d heard her voice - seen images - he’d memorized her features. Hoping one day to bump into her.

And now here she was, tied to a chair on their ship. Her head was rolled forward, her hair filthy, and her clothing black leather.

They were one their way back to the Separatist base, but it was a long flight. They had time to chat.

She was locked inside a small room at the rear of the vessel. No monitors, no windows, nothing to give away where she was, or where they were going. If they decided to bring her into their hidden base, she’d have to be sedated again.

Dean would be happy to put her back to sleep.

But it all depended on how this conversation went.

He could feel Cas at his side, and hear Anna breathing from a few feet away.

This was going to be interesting.

Cas was rolling the vial in his hand, his thumb rubbing it, his jaw tense.

“We sure about this?” Dean asked quietly. “We could wait until we’ve got her someplace more secure.”

The base had a holding area. It was where Dean planned to toss the bitch when they were done with her.

Cas shook his head. “We’ve wasted enough time - we need to know what she knows…now.”

Dean agreed. The quiet had been bugging him a lot. And he knew Cas was picking up on some bad mojo with his superhuman force sensitivity. Cas was certain something big was coming, and soon.

Then there was Pamela Barnes.

Between her and Cas, it was clear that shit was going to hit the fan, and soon.

“You wanna wake her, or should I?” Dean asked.

Cas glanced at the vial in his hand. “I’ll do it.”

Cas injected Meg in the neck, and stepped back.

They waited.

It didn’t take long. She made a few stuttering sounds, her head lolled from side-to-side, and she blinked up at them.

Her gaze shifted slowly around the room, taking in each of them.

After a moment, she snorted, her expression unimpressed. “Anybody know where a girl can get a drink around here?”

Dean glared at her, and opened his mouth to tell her where she could shove her drink, when Cas quietly said, “Do you remember me?”

Meg squinted in his direction. “Tall, dark, and tortured. How could I forget.” She licked her bottom lip, and leaned forward slightly, causing her bindings to dig into her skin. “Those hours we spent in that dark, dank room. The sounds you made,“ her eyelids fluttered, and she almost purred. “I thought we had something special.”

Dean felt sick, his stomach twisted, his fingernails dug into his palms, and he took a step towards her, but Anna beat him to the punch.


The young woman’s fist collided with Megs face, in a solid right hook. The bitch grunted, and her head jerked to the side.

There was a moment of silence, as Meg lifted her head, and met Anna’s stare. Recognition flashed in her wild eyes, and she grinned manically, before spitting out blood onto the floor at Anna‘s feet. “Hey red - it’s been awhile. Miss me?”

Cas was at Anna’s side in seconds. He ignored Meg, all his attention on Anna. His hand rested on her shoulder, and she looked up at him. They stared at each other, and Dean watched in amazement as the thickness in the air seemed to evaporate.

Anna nodded; her expression becoming calmer. Cas’s eyes and body language vibrated with pride, and love.

Anna turned back toward Meg who was watching them - not bothering to hide how much she was enjoying riling them up.

So when Anna serenely smiled at her, and didn’t respond to her snide remark, Dean loved watching the annoyance flicker in Meg’s cold gaze.

That was how you pissed off people like her. Hitting them, rising to their bait, that got them off. But letting their words roll off of you like water, it drove them insane.

Cas understood that, and now so did Anna.

Dean understood it as well. Sometimes he let his temper get the better of him, but not today, today he was in control.

Dean spoke up, wanting to draw attention away from the two people who had been Meg’s victims. “Where’s your friend?”

Meg blinked, and seemed to really notice him for the first time. She lifted an eyebrow, giving him the once over. “Have we met?” There was an undercurrent of innuendo in everything she said. If she hadn’t been psychotic, Meg was the kind of woman Dean might have been attracted to a few years ago - before Cas.

She was attractive, aggressive, and the best part, she wasn’t looking for anything but a good time.

The perfect one night stand.

Dean snorted.

He wasn’t that man anymore.

“Not officially - but I did overhear you and your buddy Azazel plotting in the hallway on Devon four.”

Meg’s eyes gleamed. “You must be Dean Winchester.”

Dean kept his expression unimpressed. “So you have heard of me.”

She leaned back against the chair, and just smiled.

Dean smiled back. “Considering I was the one that fucked up your plans, I’m guessing your boss might have mentioned me.”

She blinked, but said nothing.

Dean’s smile turned wolfish. “He couldn’t have been happy with the two of you.”

Dean knew he was onto something. There was a flicker in her dark eyes; enough to tell him he’d struck a nerve.

Dean took a step closer. “I mean the two of you took off at the first sign of trouble - I don‘t know about you, but I‘d consider that an epic fail.” Dean turned towards Cas, who appeared calm and relaxed.

“I agree. I imagine they’ve been on the run ever since. Trying to stay one step ahead of their former employer,” Cas added.

Dean noticed Meg’s lips twitch; he knew Cas was right.

Dean nodded. “And yet, she’s still alive.”

Cas knew exactly where he was going with this, and backed his play.

“Indeed. She’s smart; a survivor.”

“She sure is.” Dean got right up in Meg’s face; his hands gripped the armrests of the chair, and he growled, “You gonna do the smart thing now and tell us what we want to know.”

Meg rolled her eyes, and sighed. “Drop the tough guy bullshit. You’re Jedi. Jedi don’t torture.”

Dean laughed coldly, and he pulled the small dagger he kept in his boot out, and pressed it against her throat. “We aren’t Jedi anymore.”

Meg barely batted an eye, and much to Dean’s annoyance she still looked amused. “I’ve looked into enough eyes to know who’s willing to get dirty, and neither of you have that inside of you. Not close enough to the surface anyway. So boys, you want to know the 411 on the boss man, you want answers, start dealing.”

Dean stood up slowly.

Cas spoke up, his voice held no trace of surprise, as if he’d expected this all along. “What is it that you want?”

Meg smiled again. “Oh just the simple pleasures of life. Food, shelter, and protection.”

Anna snorted. “Not so tough now, huh.”

“You have more spirit than I remember - good for you.”

“So let me get this straight, you want us,” Dean gestured at the three of them, “To protect your worthless ass.”


“You understand,” Cas stepped closer to her, “that you would need to make that worth our while.”

She smiled. “As direct as ever.”

“What do you have?” Cas asked.

She sighed. “I know who’s pulling the strings, and I know he wants to run this galaxy, and I know he’s amassed the resources to do it.”

Dean blinked. Holy sith spit. “And just how do you know all of this.”

“You think I’m stupid - this alliance was Azazel’s idea, not mine. I’m no ones lap dog. The second he started dealing with him, I started digging. We didn’t start running right after Devon Four - we did a few other jobs for him. Azazel wanted to get into his good graces.” She shifted in her seat, grimacing. “Problem was, I dug too deep. I never expected to find what I did, and unfortunately I tripped a red flag in his security system.” She laughed darkly.

“That’s why you ran. You knew too much and he wanted you dead,” Cas said quietly, his eyes intense.

She nodded.

It’s what Roman did. It was why they hadn’t been able to expose him. Anyone who knew anything concrete wound up dead or disgraced.

“I don’t suppose you have a copy of what you found?” Dean asked, skepticism in his voice. He had his doubts, she might know nothing. She was a survivor after all. She would lie to save her own skin.

She sighed. “No.”

“What about your partner, Azazel? He know anything?”

Meg chewed on her bottom lip a moment, her eyes unreadable. “He’s dead. Some of our former employers private army caught up with us. He wasn’t fast enough.”

Dean shook his head. “I don’t buy it.”

Cas pursed his lips and studied Meg. “We have no way of knowing if you’re telling the truth. You may know nothing.”

She smiled, and tossed her hair backwards. “Supreme Chancellor Dick Roman.”

Dean just stared.

Meg smirked.


He and Cas exchanged glances, managing to keep their expressions impassive.

“Okay,” Dean admitted, “Maybe you know something.”

Meg laughed.

Cas touched his arm.

“We’ll be back in a minute,” Cas told Meg.

“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

Dean checked her bindings to make sure of that, before they stepped momentarily out of the small room.


Cas watched Anna’s face closely as they closed the door. She was handling this as well as could be expected, but he still worried.

“Alright, let’s say she does know the truth. That Dick Roman is planning to try and seize power. She has no proof; so we’re right back where we started.”

“That may be true, but Dean, she might know other things. The location of another one of his facilities. There’s a dark Jedi army out there somewhere, the damage they could do.” Cas swallowed, pulling his thoughts in another direction before they could bring back memories of Alastair. “She might be able to point us in a direction, and let’s be honest, we need the help.”

Dean looked as if he’d swallowed rancid milk.

“I don’t like it either,” Anna whispered, “But Cas is right. We’ve been in limbo.”

Cas had never heard her call him that before. He smiled despite it all.

Dean growled. “This sucks.”

“I concur, but I believe it’s necessary.”

Cas watched Dean’s face, and knew he agreed.

“We should make her agree to tell everything she knows to the council.” Anna said, her eyes flashing with excitement. “Maybe they’d listen.”

Cas touched her shoulder. “Without proof they’ll never take her word as truth.”

“He’s right.” Dean sighed. “They wouldn’t even listen to us.”

Anna hissed. “This is insane. We know the truth, Sam, and all the separatist’s know it, and now we have a former employee of this piece of hutt-spawn, and it still isn’t enough?” Frustration bled off of her.

Cas exhaled. “It is unfair. But Anna, look at it from the council’s point of view. We betrayed them, and their code. The Separatists are seen as terrorists thanks to Dick Roman. And Meg is a killer, a liar, who tortures people for fun. If we go to the council without incontrovertible proof, and th…,” Cas swallowed, searching for the right words.

Dean came to his aid.

“Kid. We still don’t know who Roman’s apprentice is, but we’re pretty damn sure it’s a member of the Jedi Council. If we go there, I have a feeling we might end up in a tragic accident. Hell, we might as well paint a giant bulls eye on our backs.”

Anna’s shoulder’s sagged.

“But we might be able to get one of them to come to us,” Cas mused.

“Huh?” Dean grunted.

Cas touched his fingers to his chin, and scratched thoughtfully. “You could contact Ellen. I think it would be worth the risk.”

Dean’s eyebrows crawled up his forehead, then he smiled. “That could work. We arrange to meet somewhere -and hell we need to update her on everything.”

And she could update them. Before they’d left, she’d promised to keep an eye on Crowley and Gordon, she might have some information for them as well.

They’d been avoiding contacting her since leaving Coruscant to protect her. If anyone found out she was communicating with them, it could put her life in danger. But they had no choice - time was running short.

“We should wait until we reach the base,” Cas rubbed his hands together, “it’ll be safer that way. Ash’s safeguards should prevent anyone from tracing the call back to us.”

Dean nodded. “Let’s go tell Meg that we want to be besties.”

Anna rolled her eyes, and Cas ruffled her hair, as he chuckled.

His life was never boring.

A/N: I know i'm slow lately - but you can blame the PS3 video game called "The Last Of Us" and its epicness for distracting me completely. I've barely even been online, just obsessing over that game. I regret nothing :)

Part 4

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments are loved, I appreciate the ones I get more than you'll ever know. (Hugs) to my Readers.

genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, tags: genre: crossover, tags: fic, genre: slash

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