Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: And He Haunts My Dreams [1/5]

Nov 02, 2012 14:33

Title: And He Haunts My Dreams (1/5)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: mentions of torture, abuse, death
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my recently created Jedi!verse series of fics - where both Dean and Castiel are Jedi - with a forbidden attraction to each other.
Summary: Dean and Cas return from Bespin - and Cas recieves some disturbing information.
Word Count: 1,907

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

Cas walked out of the Chancellors chambers with his stomach in knots. He knew he appeared calm, cool, and collected, but his nerves were shot.

He was going to have to mediate for a week to shake the horrible cloud of dread that had settled over him.

Dean’s reassuring presence near him helped.

They had both just lied to the leader of the Galactic Senate. They had told him they had found nothing on Bespin; the lead had been false.

Nothing to report.

Dick Roman had handled the news well, too well honestly. And despite his calm demeanor, there had been a storm lurking behind his eyes, and Cas could have sworn he felt it.

That man was dangerous.

Sitting in that room - Cas had seen it for himself.

He’d had a vision of the Chancellor.

He’d been wearing dark clothing, wielding a red light saber, and standing over the body of a fallen Jedi. Many other bodies had been strewn on the floor all around him. The sound of people in pain, screams, had echoed all around the man.

Cas hadn’t been able to see any of the victims faces; but he couldn’t shake it.

Each time he closed his eyes, it was there. The cold, eyes, the black cloak, the blood pooling on the floor.

This had happened once before - he’d had a vision of the man who had stolen so much of his life. If he had listened to the force then, he might not have fallen into that trap.

He would not make the same mistake as last time.

He would not dismiss this as a product of his own fears manifesting.

He marched down the hall; he knew Dean was concerned. Cas had let him do most of the talking. That was unusual, but after he’d seen that blasted scene, he’d barely been able to sit in the same room with the man, let alone be diplomatic.

The moment they got in the elevator that would lead them down to ground level, Dean rounded on him. His eyes dancing with worry.

“Cas, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Dean touched his arm, and squeezed.

Cas knew they only had a few minutes before the doors would open again.

“I saw the Chancellor as a Sith, Dean. He was standing over the bodies of fallen Jedi.”

“Whoa, what?” Dean asked, confusion written all over his face.

“I had a vision; it’s happened to me before. He’s evil Dean, he’s so cold inside,” he knew he was shaking.

Dean watched him, eyes wide.

“I’m not crazy,” Cas whispered.

Dean blinked. “I know that. I believe you, Cas.”

Cas exhaled. Dean believed him.

Force visions were rare, and few had them. He knew the future was always in motion, and what he had seen might not come to pass at all. It didn’t mean it terrified him any less.

Dean moved forward as if to embrace him, then the doors opened, and he stepped back, his eyes frustrated.

Two Senators were waiting to board. He and Dean stepped out, and allowed them entry.

“What do we do about this?” Dean whispered.

“Nothing‘s changed,” Cas replied, “we still have to try and find out who’s helping him, and we have to find proof of his treachery. No one will believe us if we just accuse a man that’s respected by most of the galaxy of being a Sith.”

Between his vision, Bobby’s and Sam’s information - Cas now had little doubt that change was coming. If they didn’t figure this out soon, many would die.

“Let’s go talk to Ellen.” Dean suggested, his eyes determined.

“Yes.” They started walking to the hover car. “And Dean.”

Dean met his gaze.

“Thank you for believing me.”

“No problem,” Dean smiled warmly.


Ellen had looked as if she might vomit when they’d filled her in on everything. Cas had even chosen to tell her about his vision.

Unfortunately, she and the other Master’s she trusted had found nothing.

Whomever was working with the Chancellor was very good at hiding it.

Nothing was out of place.

But she did believe them, and he got the impression she was going to contact Bobby Singer.

Now that she knew to look into the Chancellor as well, it might help. But Cas wasn’t holding his breath.

Cas felt exhausted, more tired than he had in a long time, and that damn vision kept invading his mind.
He needed to collect his thoughts.

“I’m going to spend some time in the room of a thousand fountains,” Cas stated quietly.

“You want some company?” Dean asked, maintaining a respectful distance.

A few younglings walked by with their teacher.

“If you wish.” He glanced at Dean. “You don’t have to…I know meditation isn’t exactly your favorite way to pass the time.”

Dean snorted. “Yeah, yeah.” He started walking in the direction towards the greenhouse.

Cas watched him, bemused.

Dean paused, turned. “You coming?”

Cas nodded, and followed, making sure not to walk too close.


Dean’s quiet, surprisingly calm presence next to him was more helpful than he could have imagined.

He had been able to slip into his ‘happy place’ as Dean liked to call it, much more easily than he’d thought possible.

Cas had been hovering there, bathing in the feeling of absolute peace, and slowly, but surely, diminishing his sensitivity to the vision he had experienced.

He forced himself to recall it, then he worked his way through it.

Breathing deeply, allowing the force to flow through him, allowing his heart to return to normal.

He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he could now see the memory without starting to shake, or experience that sense of panic.

If he focused on the sound, he could hear Dean breathing over the soothing noise of running water.

It was the perfect combination to wash away any remaining anxiety.

He felt in control.

Cas opened his eyes, and smiled, as he took in the image of Dean, sitting cross-legged in front of him. His own eyes closed, his hands resting on his knees.

His mirror image.

He said nothing, stretching out with the force, and allowing Dean’s own calm to add to his.

Dean’s green eyes fluttered open a few minutes later, and he gave him a lazy grin.


“Much,” Cas had to resist the urge to reach out and touch Dean. Instead he tried to communicate his affection through words. “Thank you, for being here.” His tone was full of emotions that were bubbling just underneath the surface, as he struggled to maintain the illusion of professionalism.

Dean shrugged, but his eyes were gentle. “Anytime.”


Anna was even more enthusiastic than normal when she saw Dean walk in the training room with him. She practically bounced over, and bowed quickly to Cas, then Dean.

“It’s good to see you again, Master Winchester.”

Dean beamed, and gently punched her shoulder. “Thanks kid. I’m glad to be here.”

She nodded.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been around for awhile - I promise that won’t happen again.” Dean’s eyes found Cas’s briefly, and the Jedi Master ‘s heart swelled.

“Good.” She gave him a look that said she would hold him to that.

Cas felt as if he were walking on solid ground again; the effects of his earlier vision had faded far into the background.

Anna turned towards Cas. “I’ve been practicing my footwork, Master.”

Cas had no doubt of that. He wasted no time, removing his robe, and pulling out his practice saber.

“Let’s show Jedi Knight Winchester what you’ve learned.”

She grinned and they went to work.


An hour later they were all sweating, and tired. Anna had sparred with both of them.

His Padawan was becoming very skilled; she had almost landed a blow on Cas, and Dean several times. She was going to be as fast as he was someday.

Seeing how far she’d come - it made Cas proud.

Dean had even been impressed; Cas had seen it in his eyes.

“That’s it for today, Anna.” He touched her arm gently. “You did very well.”

Anna smiled, then took a breath, and her face became serene and calm. “Thank you , Master.”

He had to struggle not to smile as Anna emulated him - trying to conceal her joy at his words.

She was an amazing young woman.

He bowed to her, and noticed Master Harvelle walking in the room as he rose his head.

All three of them turned to face her.

Her eyes were tight, her posture stiff.

Cas felt a surge of adrenaline shoot though his veins.

She couldn’t have found out something already, could she?

She nodded at all of them before focusing on Castiel.

“Would it be okay if I spoke with you in private, Master?”

Cas nodded once. “Of course.”

Dean was watching them intently. “Everything okay?” he asked.

Ellen smiled tiredly, but didn’t answer the question, instead gesturing for Cas to follow her.

He did.

He could feel Dean’s eyes following them.

They entered the hallway, and she guided him towards an empty office.

Her expression was weary, torn, and sad all at once.

“What’s wrong?” Cas asked, his heart clenching.

“I wanted you to hear this from me first.”

“Hear what?” Cas breathed.

Ellen touched his shoulder, her hand rested there, a comforting weight. “Alastair.”

Cas had to use all his emotional control not to flinch at the name.

Ellen exhaled, and seemed to struggle to speak. “He escaped this morning, Castiel.”

Cas froze; he stopped breathing.

She watched him closely, her eyes worried. “They think he had help from the inside - the containment shields of his cell overloaded, killing several guards in the process.”

Cas forced himself to inhale, his lungs felt as if a weight was pressed on them. He felt hot and cold all at once, his skin had broken out in a cold sweat.

He’d thought he was over this - his heart crashed into his rib cage proving how wrong he’d been.

“Where is he now?” Cas heard himself asking over the roaring in his ears.

Ellen sighed, her hand squeezing his shoulder before she let it fall away. “They don’t know - but we have a lead - Master Turner, and Jedi Knight Mills are leaving in the next hour. We’ll get him, Castiel.”

Images of Alastair’s cruel, cold eyes, his long, thin face - his beard smattered with blood - the strange tenor of his voice, and that inhuman laugh that had haunted his nightmares assaulted him.

The man who had tortured him, who had stolen so much from him was free.

Ellen had paused, and she seemed conflicted. Her eyes were telling him she hated what she was about to say next. “You are not to go near him. The council is in agreement on this.” Her tone was firm, but held a trace of regret.

Cas wasn’t surprised they would consider this to be too personal for him.

As he stood there, his mind racing, he knew one thing to be true.

Their orders changed nothing.

He would not stand by and do nothing while Alastair was free to murder and brutalize innocents.

He had tracked him for months, he knew how the man thought, how he operated.

He would find Alastair, and this time he would put an end to his madness.

A/N: This fic in the verse turned out to be a lot longer than I orginally planned - it's going to be five parts total. While this first part was a bit shorter, so far (and I still have part five to write, and lots of editing to do) it's over 10,000 words. I hope you guys end up enjoying it.

Part 2

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :P

Comments are always loved; how else will I know if anyone is enjoying this series :)

fic, genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, genre: crossover, genre: slash

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