Starving (Part 7 of 10)

Jan 06, 2011 12:46

Title: Starving
Author:  bleedforyou1 
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17 overall
Beta:  vanessawolfie and  wendypops 
Summary: Harry is trying to live his life as normally as possible, until a man shows up on his doorstep, lost and starving.
Warnings: Slash. Sex in later chapters. Flangst. Malnutrition, sorrow, grief. 
Note: Thank you to my wonderful betas for really helping with this story. I've been working on this story for a long time, and I really hope it works out, because it's really important to me :) I'll post a chapter everyday, considering the story is done, haha.

Part 1 is HERE
Part 6 is HERE

The next day was a Sunday, so after a full breakfast, the three boys of Grimmauld Place were lying in the living room on the soft carpet and coloring pictures, one of Teddy’s favorite pastimes. The night before, Teddy had made them both promise that they would colour tomorrow if he went to bed early. Draco had winked at Harry and told him that he was “sleepy” and went to bed early as well.

Harry had wanked to thoughts of Draco going to bed with him.

“Look! I made a ducky. He’s playing with Lenny, see?” Teddy gestured at his portrait.

“Oh, really? I didn’t know ducks had green feet, Teddy,” Harry laughed as he pulled the box of crayons closer to him and grabbed the brown to finish up his broomstick.

“Well, they do now.” Teddy shrugged. “Oooh! Is that Draco playing Quidditch, Unca Hawy?”

“What?” Draco looked up and quickly snatched up Harry’s drawing.

“Yes. I remember it like it was yesterday,” Harry smirked, staring at Draco fondly. “You were so good-looking…”

He watched as Draco’s cheeks began to turn pink as he fought a blush and gave the drawing back.

“You draw horribly, Potter. That picture does not do justice.”

“You aren’t much better, Malfoy,” he replied, sneaking a look at the other’s picture, a landscape of the Manor.

“Oh shut it. Thank you though, for the compliment… it’s nice to know I’m still seen as good-looking,” Draco blushed harder, not looking at Harry. Harry’s heart quivered as he thought that Draco was finally opening up to him like this.

The next few minutes were silent, but Harry felt lithe fingers trail up his arm sensually and he looked up to see Draco smiling a soft smile at him. Harry grinned-apparently, he wasn’t the only one who felt it all. Harry linked their fingers together and they held hands for a little while, as Teddy drew another picture. That small gesture-just a hand hold- but it honestly made Harry’s heart clench with its softness.

After a few moments, Draco nudged him with his shoulder and looked away, breaking the intense stare between them. His thumbnail smoothed over Harry’s before he let go of his hand. The softness in his facial features was still there, though, and Harry knew he was a goner…

“I want some hot chocolate,” Draco smirked.

“Hot chocolate!” Teddy squealed, throwing his crayons down in excitement and standing up.

“Great, you just had to get him started, huh?” Harry shook his head at Draco before making to stand up. His spine popped and he groaned slightly.

“You’re getting to be old,” Draco laughed, pushing himself off the ground smoothly and almost cat-like. Harry’s mind immediately went to how flexible and graceful the man would be in bed.

“Unca Hawy! Hot chocolate!” Teddy’s voice brought Harry’s mind out of the gutter and back to the kitchen.

As Teddy played with his action figures on the table, Harry stood at the stove, stirring the hot chocolate mix. He suddenly felt two thin arms wrap around his torso, and a pair of cold lips on his shoulder. Harry sighed into Draco’s embrace and leaned back. It felt so good, to be in a man’s arms, and he could feel Draco melting against him.

The hand-holding was not a small gesture at all then. It was Draco letting Harry know that he was ready. Ready to move on from his pain and into Harry’s life.

“I’m telling you…this domesticity is just driving me crazy hot,” Draco whispered, his lips trailing to Harry’s neck and ear.

“Draco, I want to… but not with Teddy around.” Harry’s voice was almost a whimper as Draco’s fingers trailed down his chest softly.

Harry wondered where this new confidence came from, considering how hesitant Draco was to even kiss him the day before, but he couldn’t find it in himself to disagree with it.

“I can wait…I’m very patient.” Draco dragged a finger across Harry’s abdomen underneath his jumper, causing Harry to shudder violently. From a simple touch!

“I don’t think I can wait-“

Harry was interrupted by the doorbell ringing and he jumped, dropping the spoon that was stirring the hot chocolate.

“You can go get it, I’ll pour this,” Draco said, leaning down to pick up the spoon that had fallen. Harry walked towards the door, looking back once at Draco’s jean-clad bum. He smiled before heading out and opening the door.

“Oh Andromeda, hello.” Harry gestured to the woman, opening the door further to let her in.

“Hello Harry.” She smiled softly before leaning and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Nana! Nana’s here!” Teddy came running in, holding his action figures. “Nana guess what happened?! Draco is here, and he’s my cousin! And he made a snowman with me and drawed pictures with me and was hugging Unca Hawy!”

Harry felt the blood drain from his face as Draco entered the room. Andromeda was staring at him in shock, her only other living relative.

Part 8 is HERE

starving, nc-17, harry/draco, fic, fic: chaptered

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