Stressful Stylin' Part 3 of 3

Jan 06, 2011 11:55

Title: Stressful Stylin'
Author:  bleedforyou1
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Beta:   vanessawolfie and wendypops
Summary: When Harry is in need of some serious help in the fashion department, he goes to London's finest Wizarding Stylist.
Word count: 6,839 (posted in 3 parts)
Warnings: slash. sex. fluff.
Note: This is a gift!fic for brinimc, because she's built of amazingness. Thank you so much for all the art, bb! Also, thanks to my awesome betas.

Part 1 is HERE and Part 2 is HERE

It was four days later when Harry next had an event to go to. The War Orphans Trust was holding a huge benefit, and Harry was not only invited, but he was the guest of honour. Which was really annoying, because Harry was horrible at giving speeches.

The four days were tough for Harry-he couldn’t get Draco out of his mind. He had gone back and forth, sending his owl crazy, because he kept writing letters to Draco, but not sending them because he didn’t know how the man would react.

However, when his assistant asked him to be ready for the benefit by tomorrow night, Harry had grinned. The next event-Draco had told him to come by.

So, here he was, knocking at the door of Malfoy’s Styling Boutique, where a frenzied-looking secretary ushered him in.

“Mia, these are for you,” Harry said, handing the young girl a bouquet of flowers. He knew that the girl meant a lot to Draco, by the way he had seen her treated last time he came.

She blushed furiously and bit her lip. “I-uh, thank-thank you!” She stuttered.

“You’re welcome. Is Draco in? I need him.” Harry said. Then he stuttered when he realized what he’d said. “To help me with the War Orphans benefit, I mean.”

“Yes, he’s just finishing with a client…” She was still blushing, and she gestured for Harry to sit down on a comfortable looking couch. He sat and flipped through a magazine while Mia arranged the flowers on her desk with a happy smile on her face.

“Thank you, Draco! You’re so amazing, I look so good!” An elderly woman came out of Draco’s office and Harry’s heart raced as he saw Draco follow behind her.

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Halloway. And you always look good, the clothes only help a bit, darling.” He had the fakest grin plastered on his face, and Harry was happy to see that it wasn’t the same soft smile that he had given him. That smile had been real-and it had been for Harry.

“I’ll see you next week!” The woman said, leaving the office.

“Bye!” Draco hadn’t noticed Harry sitting in the corner yet. The grin fell off his face but he turned to Mia with a determined look on his face.

“What is that? Are those flowers? I thought you told me you were single?”

“I-I am sir, I just-“

“Mama Mia, do you have a secret admirer?” Draco smirked. “Who is he?”

“No, I-they’re from-”  She was gesturing towards Harry, but Harry shook his head. He wanted to see what Draco would say.

“You’re lucky,” Draco sighed. “I wish I had a secret admirer. But no, I have elderly women pinching my arse every time I turn around.”

“Mrs. Halloway did it again?” Mia giggled.

“Yes. Merlin, you’d think her husband ignored her. Which he probably does. Mia, please don’t ever let me be with someone who would ignore me. I’d die!”

“I wouldn’t ignore you,” Harry said, standing up.

Draco turned quickly, staring at Harry in surprise.

“Har-Potter! What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see my stylist?” Harry raised an eyebrow, putting the “Har” to the back of his mind for later.

“Mr. Potter brought me the flowers, sir.” Mia blushed again. “He’s here for the War Orphans Benefits dinner?”

“Right.” Draco stood straight and cleared his throat. “Shall we go to your place, then? To see the outfits?”

“Let’s,” Harry replied as smoothly as possible, standing up and offering his arm to Draco. He rolled his eyes but took Harry’s arm.

Harry Apparated them to his loft, which he had cleaned and prepared for Draco’s visit. A bit presumptuous, but he didn’t want Draco to think he was a slob or anything.

“Potter. You can let go of my arm now.”

Gaining confidence now that they were in his domain, Harry grinned. “What if I don’t want to let go?”

“I’ll hex your balls off.”

Harry promptly let go. He couldn’t take chances with an angry Slytherin.

“Okay, so the closet is right there, and um, the benefit is supposedly dressy casual, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean and I-“

“Shut up.” Was the response he got back as Draco went into his closet.


Harry sat down on his bed and put his head in his hands. He definitely wanted Draco in his bedroom, but not like this. He wanted him in his bed, not his closet.

“Potter, how is it possible that you own the ugliest clothes known to man and you’re still more famous than-“

Harry looked up at Draco’s last word, wondering what had interrupted him. When he saw Draco staring at something inside his closet, he gasped and ran over, pulling Draco away.

“Is that a-“


“What the hell-“

“Don’t, no-“

Draco pulled out the garment and pushed Harry away, staring at the cloth with wide eyes.

“Potter-why do you have lingerie in your closet?”

“I forgot that was in there,” Harry put his hand over his eyes, blushing madly.

“But…but, you’re so… when did you even wear it?”

“I didn’t wear it!” Harry shook his head miserably. “This guy bought it for me…he and I used to sleep together, but I wanted more, and he didn’t. He left that here.”

“So you just kept it? Emotional baggage much?”  Draco rolled his eyes but continued staring at the black and pink lace teddy.

“It’s not about that-“ Harry blushed even more and mumbled. “Iwantedtoseesomeonewearitforme.”

“Didn’t quite catch that, Potter,” Draco smirked. Harry had a feeling he knew exactly what he said, but he just wanted to hear Harry say it again.

“I just wanted to see…someone wear it for me.”

“Really?” Draco asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’d want someone to dress up in this-this tiny excuse for clothing-and let them slide over you…kiss their way down your chest-maybe raise it up a bit to let you fuck them?”

Harry groaned and practically fell as he sat down on the bed, with his head in his hands again. “Yes, okay? I’m just…yeah.”

“You’re what?” Draco whispered. Harry shivered-the whisper was much too close. He felt the fingers again-the gloriously soft fingers curling around his bicep.

“What are you doing to me?” Harry asked, his voice muffled by his hands. “Why are you driving me crazy?”

“I’m a Slytherin, remember? Mind games come with the title.”

“Not a minute has passed since you said to let go before you hex my balls off,” Harry said, his anger getting the best of him as he stood up in frustration.

“That was before…” Draco sighed, standing up as well.

“Before what? Before you saw my kinky side? Well, guess what Draco? I don’t want just sex with you! I want-I want-“

“You want what?!” Draco replied. “You want me, is that it? You want me to be your boyfriend?”

“Yes! What’s so wrong with that? I know we don’t know each other as well as we think we should-but isn’t that the point of dating? Why are you so afraid to date me, Draco?”

“I’m not afraid to date you.” Draco shook his head, this time sitting down, the lingerie forgotten on the edge of the bed. “I’m afraid you’ll leave because I’m not good enough.”

“Not good enough for what? For me? You’re more than good enough-you’re too good.”

They both stared at each for a long moment before Draco sighed. “That doesn’t make sense. If you’re too good and I’m too good… we must both be the best.”

“The best deserves the best,” Harry smirked. “That’s got to be a Draco Malfoy quote, right?”

“Shut up, Potter.”

They both sat next to each other in silence, and Harry reached over and took Draco’s hand in his.

“I’m not promising this is going to work, but…well, I’m hoping you’ll change the ‘no dating clients’ rule. For me.”

“Why should I?” Draco challenged, but his threat was empty and Harry could tell-he hadn’t let go of Harry’s hand.

“Because you want this too. I know you do…”

With a sigh, Draco turned towards him. “Only if you promise to let me throw out all those ugly clothes and replace them with new, better ones. Harry.”

Harry burst out in laughter, leaning towards Draco like a magnet. “Only if you don’t charge me for it. Draco.”

With that, he kissed Draco with all the feeling he had welling up inside his chest. Their tongues interlocked and Harry felt his heart swell in happiness. This, with Draco, it was the beginning of something real.

When they finally let go, Draco was gasping and holding onto Harry’s shoulders. “When you put it like that-I’ll give you the boyfriend discount.”

Chuckling, Harry ran his hand through Draco’s soft hair. Jack was right-it really was rather perfect. He leaned down and kissed a soft trail down Draco’s throat. “Come with me… to the Benefit tomorrow. Please?”

“Okay,” Draco succumbed under Harry’s soft kisses. “But we have to choose our outfits early-and I’ll have to reserve a spot with Jack. I need him to style it the way he did back on my birthday, and I’ll tell Mia to cancel my-“

Harry shut his lover up with a strong, smooth kiss that melted through Draco’s rambling. Pulling him closer, Harry rolled them onto the bed, letting Draco straddle him. Finally-Draco was in his bed, after days of aching for him to be there.

“Do you really think this will work?” Draco said, looking down at him. Harry looked up into those grey eyes, feeling his chest clench in a rhythmic way.

“Hell yeah, it’ll work. I’m hard as a rock here-“

“No, you dolt! I meant…us. It took us twelve years to just become friends…”

Harry sighed and smiled softly. “It took us twelve years to become friends, but it took me less than twelve hours to realize how much I really wanted you as more than a friend.”

Draco’s lips twitched and he smiled that tiny smile-the one that Harry loved. His eyes flickered over to his right then and he started to laugh. “Harry-your cat…she’s staring at me like she’s jealous.”

Harry turned and saw Twinkie staring at them, her head tilted to the side curiously. “Twinkie-sweetie, can you leave us alone?”

The cat seemed to pause before getting up slowly and slinking out of the room.

“You’re cute,” Draco mumbled, leaning down to kiss Harry again. “I think I’ll keep you around.”

“Why thank you, your majesty,” Harry replied, rolling his eyes.

Draco ignored the jibe. “Want me to wear the lingerie?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Harry’s thoughts seemed to stop at the fantasy of Draco wearing the lingerie and smirking at him.

“For our first time-probably not. But in the future-hell yes.”

Draco laughed softly and leaned down, kissing Harry fully before trailing soft kisses down his throat. He took his time unbuttoning Harry’s shirt and kissing the skin that was exposed. It was soft and sweet and too damn slow.

“Draco,” Harry moaned, pulling at the blond strands. “Get on with it.”

“Ow! You brute!” Draco bit down on his nipple and Harry’s back arched off the bed in a slight pain mixed with pleasure.

“Why are you taking so bloody long then?!”

Draco smirked and sat up, pulling out his wand then. “So eager… you really can’t wait, can you? All right then.”

He flicked his wand twice, and all their clothes vanished, landing in a heap next to the bed. “Now that that’s done, will you let me enjoy your hot body in peace?”

The entire lower half of Harry’s body jumped as Draco took his cock into his mouth. That hot wet heat nearly drove Harry fucking insane-best blow job of his life, hands down. That witty tongue now stroked his underside in a way that made Harry think Draco was made for this.

“Oh… can’t hold it in any longer…Draco!” Harry shouted and cursed as he pulsed into Draco’s mouth. “Fuck…” He gasped out, embarrassed from coming so soon.

“Mmm.” Draco crawled back up, licking his lips. “Delicious. And Merlin, Harry do you know how bloody gorgeous you are when you come?”

Harry looked up, his eyes nearly tearing at some unknown sensation in his chest. Must be the post-orgasmic haze. He remembered the ache for Draco to call him gorgeous, earlier in the week. “You…you think I’m gorgeous?”

Draco rolled his eyes and put his hands on either side of Harry’s head. His blond hair fell and lightly brushed Harry’s cheeks, tickling slightly.

“I think you’re even more gorgeous than me. And that’s saying something,” he chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

Harry’s heart nearly hurt with the way it was expanding and he had to bite his lip to keep from saying something outrageous.

Instead, he flipped them over and kissed his way down Draco’s body, leaving marks that he hoped would last. He prepared Draco smoothly and tried not to cry out as he finally aligned his cock to Draco’s hole. He couldn’t believe how fast he’d gotten hard, but Draco really had the ability to make him so unbelievably horny-especially with the writhing dirty things he was gasping out in Harry’s ear.

“Want you, in me, come on, Harry,” Draco was babbling as he bucked up into Harry, trying to get him inside. “Ever since the day you came in my office. Merlin, you’re so hot.”

Harry couldn’t help but thrust into Draco at his emotional words-he wanted, no needed to be apart of Draco, who was so amazing. And now he was…they were apart of each other, stitching together like fabric...

“Potter! Get the fuck on with it! What are you staring at me for?” Draco screeched out, pulling at Harry’s hair like a bitch in heat.

Then again, what did Harry Potter know about fabric?


stressful stylin, gifts, f-list love, r, harry/draco, fic: one-shot, fic

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