Aug 23, 2006 05:46
1. i have made it 13 dyas without pot, yet again....
2. i flushed the rest of my pot down z shitter, made her happy
3. i cant hang out with bobby, cause he'll tempt me to get high..(its ironic that the first kid i meet here is named bobby...fuckin code names...)
4. i have yet to meet any one , make that 0 friends in I.L.
5. i miss kalamzoo (i mean my friends back home)...nick, ravis, gord, bryan, kyle , steve, clay , jody,tim, mike, neil, gabe, falex, and every one else...... you all have impacted my life in so many ways
6. i havent drank in 13 days, wowzer
7. i cant afford real cigs so i smoke top rollies...its gross when you cough up solid shit each morning
8. my parents are having major issues
9. my day consists of...
- wake up
- smoke cig
-drink coffee
-smoke cig
-make tea
-smoke cig
- beat off
-smoke cig
-listen to music, while smoking cig
-talk to becca
- listen to her explain the ammount of boys hitting on her at school.....
- sleep
- then repeat ( as needed)
10. its hard when you see your feiance 2 days outta the week
11. i skate all by my lonesome, well timmy comes with somtimes....
12. im tired of video games
13. im thinking of taking a few days and going back to kalamzoo, just to visit... maybe in september for bowies birthday
and i havent really went out job hunting.......of well, i seem to be budgeting pretty damn well,...ill be damned to work for the corperate fucks who run this town......
and other than that... well
this is my update for those who care, .....