I am proud to announce the addition of two new stats that I will be featuring. I will now be featuring favorites and follows because a certain site has added them to where people can see. We now no longer get people bragging about a great following when they really don't have one.
Jikan Yo Tomare Name: Hinamori Momo, Hitsugaya Toshiro
xXLolitaXxPairings: Toshiro/Momo
Stats: 1,207 words, 2 reviews, 3 favorites and 1 follow
Rating:: Kenpachi
Appearance: like canon
Background: None. Seriously, I don't know how these two even got together. They just are... and this isn't a pairing you want to do that with.
Sue Qualifications: Momo claims Toshiro as her boyfriend.
Annoying Attributes: I'm still at a loss as to how Toshiro calling Momo a bed wetter and her attaching -chan to his name like he is a little kid is a form of endearment. However, there are a lot of terms that amount to Momo objectifying Toshiro as if he was a prize rather then treating him like a person. The Suethor's profile makes me think we have either a middle school/junior high school student or a kid whose in their freshman year of high school.
Momo sighed she already missed Toshiro she had just visited him during her break. It took so long to claim him as her boyfriend, but unforntuntaly when she did Captain-Commander Yamamoto started giving them so much work. Momo had barely anytime to visit him. Sometimes she spent the whole day without seeing him which made her all upset.
Today was a surprise, Toshiro visited Momo for a change, there was a knock on Momo's door while she was franticly signing and samping papers. "Yes, come in" she called. Toshiro entered "Hello Bed-wetter" Momo fought back a smile and pouted "Hello Shiro-chan." she said. He nodded "I missed you, you haven't been visiting me for a while. Momo sighed and go up and gave Toshiro a hug. "Mou, Captain-Commander has been giving me so much work I don't even have enough time for lunch." her tummy growled causing Toshiro to smirk. "Mou, Don't be so mean Shiro-chan." Momo pouted again, Toshiro sighed and and reached into his sleeve and pulled out a small box lunch "Here I had the feeling you were hungry." and passed it to her. Momo smiled "Thank You Shiro-chan!" Toshiro smirked "That's Histuguya-taichou to you, Bed Wetter" Momo made a face "I do not wet the bed anymore!" Toshiro shrugged "Says you, well see you later Bed Wetter Momo" Momo rasied an eyebrow "you aren't gonna eat with me?" Toshiro shook his head "I have tons of work too" Momo sighed sadly "Okay" Toshiro came p to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead then left.
Momo finished the lunch from Toshiro quickly so she could finish her paperwork. But she kept thinking of Toshiro so at random times she would blush. Momo missed him already again she wished he could just stay with her. "ARGH!" Momo pouted "I can't work like this" she poked her cheek "Mou...what do I do?" Momo sat on the couch and decided to take a nap. By the time she woke it was 11 and she still hadn't finished her paperwork "Oh No!" Momo rushed to her desk and noticed that draped on her was Toshiro's captain haori. She tilted her head a little and held the haori then stared on the paper work but all of them were finished by someone...Toshiro. Momo pouted and looked out the window Toshiro had visited her when she was asleep. She felt herself smile feeling all bubbly inside "Thank you and Good Night Shiro-chan..." she whispered.