Name: Panida
Gender: F
Gender stamp preference (female/male/doesn't matter): Male preferably but if you think one of the gals is absolutely perfect for me than it's fine
Likes: rain/thunderstorms, the moon, the 'net, anime, manga, listening to, singing, and playing music (I play the violin), videogames, mythology, animals, Tolkien, acting, theater, musicals, warm & fuzzy moments
Strong points: amiable, chipper, caring, empathetic, bright, conscientious, ingenuitive, I like making people laugh but not in an "in your face" type of way, cordial, analytical, careful, clever
Weak Points: I worry a lot, I can sometimes over-think things, can be jealous, spazzy, somewhat lazy, defensive, you don't want to get on my bad side (I don't get mad very often but when I do, it's pretty formidable -- my bark is worse than my bite though), second-guessing myself, cautious, self-guarded, sense of direction haha, personal need to prove myself
~What do you look for in a boy/girlfriend?~
Personality: Someone who's self-assured (but by no means arrogant, arrogance is a trait that I absolutely hate. Him having his own little insecurities is quite lovable to me -- I'm not looking for a perfection; it gets boring ;), fun (I like a guy who's able to get goofy with me!) yet mature, that I feel secure and comfortable with, who can make me laugh even when I don't want to, someone who can make me "awwwh", that I know I can always turn to, be open with, and be mutually supportive. (ha, how corny do I sound?) Intelligence and a sense of humor are lovely. I'd like to feel protected but not on a leash. He has to be sincerely caring though, none of that fake sweetness. Bringing some more adventure into my life would be great!
Physical Appearance: Tall, toned build (not disgustingly ripped), nice shoulders, hands & jawline, endearing smile. Dimples & irish/english/scottish accent are a plus, haha. Hair color and eye color are variable as long as they're lovely on him
~Would you rather have your boy/girlfriend be:~
Calm or Energetic: Energetic but in a laid-back way if that makes sense; calm but not blah
Brains or Brawn: Brains, cleverness is sexy; no meat heads -- although he should be able to at least pick me up, haha ;)
Mature or Immature: Mature but not the excessively serious type
Controlled or Impulsive: More controlled but just impulsive enough to keep it exciting without being reckless
Confident or Modest: Confident but not arrogant so I suppose that would be both confident and modest, ehe :X
Leader or Follower: A compassionate leader over the controlling variety
Shy or Outgoing: A calm sort of outgoing aka not obnoxiously so
Honest or Secretive: I would hope that he would trust me but I'd understand if he needs to keep certain things under wraps as long as he's not deceptive or too closed
Would you prefer someone who acts, things, etc like you or someone different from you? Somewhere in between; having similar interests draws me to a person but I like having different ones also so we can introduce each other to new things. Personality-wise...similar enough where we don't keep butting heads but able to compliment each other with our varying traits
What would be the Turn Ons/Turn Offs to a Guy/Girl?
TURN-ONS: I think I've covered them in that "What do you look for?" and either/or portion x) This is kind of extraneous but to add something here, I love when men roll up their dress shirt sleeves to their elbows :P
TURN-OFFS: rudeness, brashness, insincerity, close-mindedness, over-confident, wussy :P
What would be one crucial trait in your ideal boy/girlfriend? in all senses of the word, I worry enough as it is :P
What would be your ideal first date? I really don't mind as long as we can talk comfortably with each other, laugh, warm and fuzzy moments ensue, haha.
Anything else?
my votes!