Name/Nickname: Madeline, although I’m widely known on the interwebs as Otterbeans
Age: 16
Likes: Writing, reading, drawing, roleplaying, video games like Tales of (insert something here) Okami, Guitar Hero, text based like Phoenix Wright, side scrollers like Castlevania and Mega Man, archery and fencing, alternative music, studying Japanese at the community college, taking walks alone, being a hopeless romantic, and letting my imagination run wild.
Dislikes: Shallow minded and or blatantly stupid people (although they‘re good for a laugh sometimes), chokingly sweet food, screwing up a drawing in the middle of inking, going to bed early, wankers, cold weather, teachers who don’t know what the heck they’re teaching.
Strong points: Level headed, logical, good for advice, I don’t say things to purposely hurt people unless I’m kidding, and I usually apologize if it looks like I hurt them, academic, patient, hard-working when the situation requires. I’m courageous and don’t back down when my friends or values are compromised unjustly.
Weaker points: Can come off cold and quiet, although I try to put on a happy face as not to scare people away (I want friends but have trouble making them) Bad at first impressions, awkward in social situations, sometimes overpowering, not very emotional, and I have a hard time deciphering my own thoughts and feelings, even though I ruminate a lot.
Hobbies &/or Talents: I’m good with words, and have often been told I’m a talented writer. Adults are often impressed with my level of thought and maturity for my age. I enjoy speaking with people who are more intelligent than I am, and learning from them. I’m home schooled and self-teach, with almost straight A’s. I’m also good with animals
Favorite color: All shades of green, blue when it’s used well, like with brown, and pale oranges.
Favorite animal: I’ve always loved otters. The way they swim around like they’re flying, and their jovial personalities have always been fascinating to me. However, I also love songbirds, I keep a feeder full with birdseed at all times of the year so I can watch them.
Favorite season: Early and late summer, when the weather is perfect for going out and taking walks.
Mature or Immature: Mature. Some adults have told me I need to lighten up…
Leader or Follower: Leader, usually because I’m unsatisfied with the job the current leader is doing and think I could do better myself. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can’t.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy. Being in large groups makes me nervous, and I get embarrassed when people give me too much attention.
Confident or Modest: I’d say right in the middle, I really enjoy compliments, but I’m not always satisfied with my work.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Pessimistic, with a side dish of realism. I don’t have a whole lot of faith in humanity in general, but I know that if some good people do their best, things will turn around eventually.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium-Low. I like sleeping a lot, and most of my hobbies are gentle paced.
Goals in life: I want to master a few different languages and travel abroad someday. I have a dreamy, adventurous streak that needs to be let out eventually.
Favorite quote & why: "If I were the rain; That joins the earth and sky that otherwise never touch; Could I join two hearts as well?"
It's just very soft and beautiful. I fell in love with it the moment I heard it.
Describe your personality in three words or more: Quiet, thoughtful, awkward.
Favorite character & why: This is tough stuff… but I like Ishida, because of his realistic personality, and quirky creative streak. Tatsuki is an extremely close second, because she’s got a good nature, and seems to bring out the best in Ichigo.
Least favorite character & why: Hmm, hmm… I can’t say Aizen because he’s a wonderful villain, and every series needs a wonderful villain. Probably Uluqiorra (however you spell his name, I never get it right) because he’s blah and emo and lame.
Anything else: Had a good time doing this! Keep stamping!
How did you find this community: I felt like I needed some stamps and looked for it.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on: