We're Going to Soul Society, Charlie! Soul Society!

Nov 19, 2007 22:08

Name/Nickname: Sarah, but I get referred to as GS on occasion.
Age: About 17.

Likes: Overly clichéd things (for they’re entertaining), foreign films, dark chocolate, modern art, Lolita fashion, tutus, skiing, tossing around insults in a British accent while playing Badminton, trying to find the most expensive version of a thing at a store, little boys with cute hair, vinyl (like, records), dancing and skipping in the streets, singing songs from “Chicago,” taking personality tests, and being random and free.
Dislikes: Females who squeal “that’s so meeeeean!” whenever anyone does anything, close minded-ness, being in the spotlight, socks, thunderstorms, clingy people, socially un-adjusted people, overly pessimistic or optimistic folks, “get to know you” games, babies, and absolute commitment to anything that I’m unsure about.

Strong points: I’m extremely independent and don’t care what anyone thinks anymore. I’m good at leading small groups of people. Children seem to love my sarcastic ways. I’m good with confrontations, and I’m very pragmatic. I don’t get “sad.”
Weaker points: I insult the people I love the most, I’m manipulative, I’m pretty indecisive, I can be pretty unreliable, I have no memory, I can get pretty self-absorbed, I procrastinate, and I don’t understand other’s feelings. I’m pretty un-imaginative (in my opinion).

Hobbies &/or Talents: Sewing, long and passionate ranting, acting, giving scalp massages, photoshopping, analyzing problems, correcting the grammar and spelling of others, and skillful procrastination.

Favorite color: Black, green, and pink.
Favorite animal: Octopi, for they are the most skilled of creatures.
Favorite season: Spring, because the weather’s so nice and cool.

Mature or Immature: It depends on the situation, I suppose. I’m decently mature, but I occasionally feel the need to be a bit of a brat.
Leader or Follower: I’m a leader in my group of friends, but tend to be very passive when faced with an authority figure.
Outgoing or Shy: I’m mostly outgoing. I’m very self-conscious, though, so I have difficulties with anything that puts me in the spotlight. (I’ll cry if someone tries to make me call in a pizza order….)
Confident or Modest: I’m either very confident or very modest. I know when I should be which.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Definitely realistic. I’m about as practical as you can get.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium, I suppose. I always want to be doing something, for I bore easily. I get extremely hyper easily, especially around lunch-time. I also get sloth-like in the evening.

Goals in life: Honestly, to be happy and well-off financially. And to be having loads of fun.

Favorite quote & why: “Totally sharky complete.” You really have to have seen “The Blair Thumb” to get this. Some of the quotes that come from small children in “The Scarlet Letter” are pretty darn funny, too.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Independent, mercurial, pragmatic, happy, cat-like.

Favorite character & why: Hanatarou, for he’s so terribly unloved. And he has fab hair.
Least favorite character & why: Orihime annoys me now and then. Really bubbly female characters tend to bother me.

Anything else: I think I’m good…maybe…hopefully.
How did you find this community: I searched for it….
Please link the links to the three members you voted on: http://community.livejournal.com/bleach_rating/446114.html?view=4890018#t4890018

yoruichi, stamped

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