Name/Nickname: Kate
[picture]Age: 16
Likes: I like to spend time with my friends, and to mess around on the internet. I also like rating communities, and myspace/facebook. I enjoy reading and writing (especially fanfictions) and of course watching Anime. I also really like driving. Oh, and of course my cat
Dislikes: I don't like "fake" people, two-faced people, bullies, or people with huge egos.
Strong points: I try to be kind, when I try I get good grades, and I am outgoing when I am with my friends.
Weaker points: When I am in a bad mood I can be really mean, I don't always try my hardest, and I can be shy
Hobbies &/or Talents: I am a complete BAND GEEK. I play French Horn, Mellophone, Trumpet, Cymbals, and little bit of Synthesizer. I like learning new instruments, and marching.
Favorite color: Green and/or Teal
Favorite animal: Cats
Favorite season: Fall
Mature or Immature: I am mature when I am alone, or with close friends. But when I am in an uncomfortable situation, I sometimes revert to being immature.
Leader or Follower: I am usually a leader, but I can be a follower. Although, I can't STAND being a follower if the leader isn't a good one.
Outgoing or Shy: This is the same as MATURE or IMMATURE for me. I am OUTGOING when I am alone, or with close friends. But when I am in an uncomfortable situation, I sometimes revert to being SHY.
Confident or Modest: Modest
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: I am a sort of mix between Pessimist and Realist. But if I am in a situation where everyone is pessimistic, I can fake optimism.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium
Goals in life: I don't have any specific goals. I just want to be happy, and successful in whatever I want to achieve.
Favorite quote & why:
"People are just bastard covered bastards with bastard filling." -Dr Cox (Scrubs)
I like this because it is telling it how it is.
Describe your personality in three words or more: Friendly, Sarcastic, Bubbly
Favorite character & why: Ichigo, he is funny and sarcastic and doesn't care what other people think of him. AND Kenpachi because he is powerful and doesn't care what others think, but he also has a soft spot ^___^
Least favorite character & why: Aizen and Gin because they are both creepy and annoying
Anything else: I think this just about covers it
How did you find this community: I had found it before, randomly, but I didn't join, and then my friend DEE made me...
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