Question...and Mod Announcement

Aug 18, 2010 09:38 you're all aware that bleach_muses will be making some changes in the next couple of weeks. We've already made the comm public, streamlined the links, and finished up the last challenge. We discovered that maybe a genre challenge is a bit too broad, so we'll be returning to the tried-and-true prompts like we've done in the past, with two small changes:

1.) Because it seems like we always wind up with a ton of prompts that don't get used (hey, sometimes we're not inspired; doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the prompts!) we're going to set a limit per member for prompts. Each member can initially post 5 prompts each (if you have more you want to do, PM me or Glim, k?)--and to be perfectly fair, us mods will do the same. We don't want anyone feeling left out or have feelings hurt cause their prompts don't get used.

Now, I have to discuss this with Glim (which I will do tonight) but maybe we should set a theme for each challenge, and the prompts adhere to that theme (though the sentences don't have to). Like how we did the Valentine's Day challenge...most of the prompts pertained to that holiday. What do you think? WOuld you rather have open season on prompts, or a more pointed approach? Let us know!
We were thinking of beginning the challenge Sunday, August 22, so you all have time. Even if you want to just have a free-for-all on the prompts, we might do a themed suggest themes! (And start thinking of prompts!) I know it sounds pretty directed, but we want to know your opinion. You guys are what makes this comm work, after all.

2.) We as mods will no longer be trying to reach a consensus on only one sentence per participant as our favorite. Like I stated at the beginning of the last vote, we don't have the exact same tastes.

Also, let us know what you want to see here on the Comm. Contests, discussions, etc. Tell us what you want, and we'll most likely give it to you. Also, don't be afraid to start discussions of your own. We value each and every one of you, and though things might be rocky at first, or slow moving, we want this comm to be the best it can be!

announcement, mod post

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