Title: It's the Thought that Counts Characters: Toushirou (davyn), Rangiku (kellenanne) Timeline: October 9, 2007 Rating: PG Summary: Rangiku found him the perfect gift...
Title: Cake or Pie Characters: Toushirou (davyn), Rangiku (kellenanne) Rating: PG Timeline December 20th Summary Its Toushirou's birthday and Ran thinks cooking is a good idea!
Title: Two Cats in a Bar (Party log) Characters: Grimmjow (formative) & Rangiku (kellenanne) Timeline: September 1, 2007 Rating: PG Summary: Rangiku reserves the best for people other than him.
Title: Oh! A Stakeout? Can I Come?! Characters: Toushirou (davyn) & Rangiku (kellenanne) Timeline: May 26, 2003 Rating: PG Summary: Rangiku meets the cop. Toushirou gets an eyeful.
Title: Drink, Please? Characters: Yumichika (day_eight), Rangiku (kellenanne) Timeline: March 15, 2007 Rating: PG Summary: Two of New York's most beautiful people bond... over beauty, of course.
Title: Not Quite 21 Characters: Hiyori (kendraxplague), Rangiku (shadowstar_gzan) Timeline: July 15, 2007 Rating: PG Summary: Rangiku gives Hiyori the benefit of the doubt.