(no subject)

Nov 05, 2007 05:34

Worked on the big-ass cotton blanket a couple of times this weekend. My arm was almost back to normal this weekend after the big shrubbery pruning over a week ago which wrecked me. I've still got another giant shrubbery to tame, and I'm dreading the pain and healing time that's going to be involved.

But the blanket is slowlyslowlyslowly getting done now. I got my bathroom rug motifs arranged too, except for a couple more motifs to make, and then I can piece it all together.

Still haven't started any new baby stuff. I'm still vacillating on that one.

Much as I originally wanted to stick with the knit & crochet social, I'm finding more and more I'm not feeling enormously social especially with people I don't know. I like hanging out with my friends, but I'm finding large public socials where I only know some of the folks or the smaller ones like the knit and crochet one where I don't know anyone well, they're just too much energy right now. I'm having trouble working at the small talk, I'm having trouble investing in people whom I don't know have any interest in getting to know me either. I'd rather spend the time working on the relationships I already have.

Talked with mom today. She's sounding really tired and frustrated. Now she's not only not sleeping more than about 4 hours a day (two hours at a time) and occasionally throwing up and gaining weight from the steroids and not able to focus on anything for more than 20 minutes or so tops, but now her feet and ankles are in constant pain to where she can't walk much at all, her body's getting totally run down from the pain and the lack of sleep, and she's just had enough. She's supposed to see pretty near all her doctors in the next week so they can come to some decision about whether she can get something to help her sleep, which should at least put her in a better place to work on the rest, and maybe deal with the pain in her feet so she can get around a little better. She's still going crazy with finding things to do, given that she can't do anything besides watch TV and she's sick of that. Her best friend is back there again, taking care of her for a while. I don't know how long the friend is going to be there. I'm glad she is - I don't know if mom could do the cooking, cleaning, even a decent job of taking care of herself (much less the dog) without the help. It was hard to let her go and hang up the phone tonight. She just sounds so aswful and so tired and there's nothing I can do about it.

mom, rug, social, blanket, cotton

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