About a week's worth

Apr 01, 2015 20:55

Three days ago: bike ride along the MUP, a part I haven't ridden since shortly after I got my bike. And rode it the other direction, which meant I got the *great* part of riding the hill! Whoosh! Followed by getting turned around, doubling back, and making my way over to Cartlandia for lunch. They were packed! But for all the people there, I only spotted five bikes. I realize it was lunchtime on a workday, but still. Had a lovely chat with the gentleman who made my lunch, gave the "fuck off and leave me to my lunch, already" look to a couple of little maniac children, and made it home well before it started raining.

Two days ago: rode my bike to work to drop some stuff off (so I wouldn't have to carry it when I start back again on Monday). Had a quick chat with a couple of people in the building. Was quite glad to get the stuff out of my house. Managed to not "just do a couple of things while I'm here" - go me, sticking with the work/personal boundary! Got just outside the building - the six or so steps to get the bike past the door so I can get my helmet and gloves on - and the CRACK of lightning hit! followed maybe 1.5, 2 seconds by a HUGE BOOM of thunder! Why yes! Let me get on my all-metal-bike-frame and power myself home now! Was soaking wet when I got home.
Talked with my dad for a while. Sounds like he and his neurodoc have his meds pretty well sorted out and things are going well in that area. OTOH, he's now got his entire kitchen torn up for a remodel, and he of course isn't scaling back on any of his activities, so that means more physical labor, more stress in trying to keep up with everything, and the stress of not being able to have people over because half the kitchen gear is in the living and family rooms. We made loose plans for getting together after the remodel is a bit more under control.
Also made a date with an old friend to - hopefully - have one of his kids over to help me in the yard on Saturday, and to visit with my friend and his wife a while. We'll see if he bails at the last minute - though to be fair, it's worked out for two of the last three tries to get together that got past the initial planning stages.

Yesterday: Took a handful of books to a neighborhood Little Free Library. Did the dishes after Michael fixed the sink, which apparently was part of why the dishwasher was screwed up. Finished The Martian late last night. I don't usually read much sci-fi, but at least three people close to me were pushing for me to read it, enough so that one of them bought it for me while we were at Powell's and put it in my hands and made me promise to read it. Okay! Okay! And yes, I enjoyed it far more than I'd expected to. Was thoroughly, entirely snuggled by cats one way or another all night and into this morning. This alone is argument enough against going back to work next week.

Today: Took care of some errands, walked the mall with Other M - and threw her to the 'makeup artists' at one of the Beauty shops (they did a nice job, too), and had a lovely dinner with her at my favorite sushi place. Watched a good share of the Justin Bieber roast with Michael - who the hell wrote Martha Stewart's material? She pretty much stole the entire show. Had some lovely snuggle time with Michael. I like that the prednisone doesn't steal him away all the time.

Tomorrow: If the weather isn't too bad early in the day, I may work on the yard, getting some more things planted and some weeds pulled. If the weather craps out early i in the day, it's making another huge batch of freezer waffles. Tomorrow evening: Band get-together! We'll see how the weather holds up - I won't likely bus my bass across town if it pours outside. But I would like to make it at least to the first couple of band meetings as the group starts sorting itself out.

Two days from today: Fun errands with Michael. I finally get to spend my Portland Homestead Supply winnings! And part of my Bob's Red Mill winnings! I've got the evening to myself, so I may take over the kitchen for one project or another. Or, since the house will be quiet, I may start reading my book for work.

Three days from today: Hopefully having my friend's kid help me in the yard for a while. Hopefully getting to visit with them, either way. It seems like there's something going on that night, but I can't remember what it is. Maybe I'd been thinking that was going to be the band meeting.


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