Back to Work, summer session

Jul 07, 2014 16:48

Early summer break is over. As my new sites for the summer are closer to home *and* have mostly flat terrain between them and home, and as I shouldn't have too many after-work events this summer, I'm planning to ride my bike as much as I can. There's one spot with a bit of a valley and a rise on each side of it - yes, I have to go uphill both ways. On one side, the valley goes right into a medium-traffic roadway. Yay. Most drivers already hate most cyclists, and afternoon summer heat doesn't do much to increase the love.

But of course it's appropriate to flip me off and swear at me as I have the audacity to bike across the crosswalk (with big, bold signage) you're supposed to stop for. *sigh* It's not like I ripped across without looking. I even stopped, waited, and didn't start back up until he'd slowed down. I guess he was just checking his text messages or something instead of actually stopping for the crosswalk.

In other Not-Just-Monday, But-The-Beginning-of-Summer-Session news:

- I arrived to find the room I'm using was kind of trashed. Not like high school-aged kids had gotten inside and partied, but major moving and clearing out had happened, and no cleaning whatsoever happened. I spend an hour just picking up pencils, pen caps, scraps of paper, thumbtacks, and odd bits of garbage off the floor. I opted to leave the bugs - dead ones and live ones - there in hopes the custodian does something in there before I return in a couple of days. The white boards were written all over. I borrowed the official whiteboard cleaner from the teacher next door, but that just made a weird smudgy sludgy mess. Bits of tape and poster-hanging goo all over the walls from when posters were removed.

- no key to the classroom, which is a portable that opens to the outdoors. It's not clear whether I'll be allowed one. Which kind of blows, given that the door automatically locks on the outside. Ask me how I found this out.

- none of my stuff got shipped to my new clinic location. None of my office supplies, none of my files, none of my clinic materials, nothing. Fortunately, I was smart enough to keep my laptop & cord with me over the break, and I'm sharing a space with someone who has some materials to spare. Also fortunately, I am creative, resourceful, fearless and intrepid, and was able to fake something up in time for my kids today. I am hoping to figure out what happened to my stuff tomorrow.

- on the plus side, as I mentioned immediately above, I'm sharing the portable with a friendly classroom teacher who does have keys (she's been there for years) and who doesn't mind me walking through her classroom to get to my clinic space when I lock myself out. She also didn't mind me borrowing materials or using her printer.

- also on the plus side, AIR CONDITIONING! Between the summer heat and the no-moving-air situation at my regular office, I'm feeling kind of spoiled in spite of the everything else.
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