Freezing rain may mean no Tuba Christmas for me

Dec 12, 2009 09:48

I'm starting to rethink the whole Tuba Christmas thing today. It's currently 31F, with calls for freezing rain and possibly snow. The snow I could handle for doing errands, but I'm not sure I want to sit outside in it, nor do I have any real interest in being out in the freezing rain.

I hope my sweetie doesn't get stuck on the side of the road or at work in the icky weather. At least he shouldn't have any trouble with his car freezing up this year.

I made myself a big list of projects to work on at home so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off as I finish them, and hopefully to help me stay focused on the one already in progress and not start too many new ones. I gotta get some crochet projects done to make room for the yarn order I have coming. 96 ounces of cotton for a blanket. That's a lot of space I need to clear in my project tubs! I finally frogged a project I'd been working on for weeks - I just wasn't happy with how it was turning out, and it wasn't going to serve any useful or aesthetic purpose, no matter how many hours went into it. I have another project like that, only it's at least two years old, that needs to be demolished and recycled as well. Hopefully those will be finished by the end of next week. I'll try to remember to take pictures as well.

The kitties are all snuggled up by heaters instead of in their window seats. They're snuggling me in bed more aggressively too. In the summer, if I move even slightly, they get up and wander off. In winter, I can toss and turn like crazy, and they don't move a muscle. It's awesome having fuzzy little warmers in the bed with me. And the moment I get tucked in under the blankets in front of the TV - they'll be stuck like little barnacles. Not a bad way to spend a freezy day.
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