Busy in the yard

May 09, 2009 14:46

Yay for happy sleeping drugs! Instead of sleeping in till 10 this morning, I was up and moving by 6:30. Lots of laundry, dishes, general picking up around the house. Took the little red wagon the 10 blocks to the store. Came home with a backpack of groceries, 4 cubic feet of potting soil, and two new plant starts. Pulled about 3 lbs of weeds out of the street-side bed. Planted seeds for carrots, radishes, peas, 3 kinds of tomatoes, 3 kinds of peppers, 3 kinds of sunflowers (mammoth, dwarf and red), marigolds, and pumpkins. Planted flowers in the street-side bed. Pulled all the garbage out of the grass that's blown in from the street. Watered everything. Met several spiders, a couple of daddy-long-legs, at least a half-dozen big fat worms, several smaller worms and a ladybug in the process. And disturbed an ant nest. Fortunately they were just small black ants, and I saw them coming up before I sat in that spot. Ew. I'm not big on ants. Admired the bleeding hearts, hellebore, goat's beard, violas and camas lilies in the back yard. Time to finish up a couple more loads of laundry, get food, then get cleaned up to go out.
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