Feb 26, 2009 03:58
Hello journal. It's been awhile. Much has happened, but I'm too tired and lazy to catch up at the moment. However, I just might latter....
So, recently I read "The Purpose Driven Life" (duhn, duhn, DUHN...)
What can I say, I was curious over the fuss. So, in reading the book I started considering going back to Catholicism. More on that later. Of course these thoughts reminded me that lent was comming up. I spent a few weeks debating what to do for lent. I had grand plans to quit smoking, take and active role in Catholicism, or even giving up another form of instant self gratification.
In the end, anyone of those ideas was just too much work. So I was sad that I wasn't going to participate in the Catholic tradition that was a part of my youth. Sad and relieved. I was always taught that lent was a time to make a self sacrifice in order to grow closer to God.
When I showed up to a dimly lit meeting tonight I saw a couple of people with the marks of Ash Wednesday. This got me back to thinking about lent and what a slacker I am. And then enlightenment hit me. Hard. I mean really hard. We're talking "I'm gonna puch you in your sleep for revenge you dirty bastard" hard. I've really started slacking off on my 10th and 11th steps. For those of you unfamiliar, that consits of prayer/meditation/daily-inventory. So I decided to renew the practice of journaling for lent. At that moment I felt as if a light was shining on me from above. I could renew my commitment to a practice that is easy to do and helps me to grow spiritually! And then I realized that I was sitting under the only light in the room. Eh, it felt dramatic enough.
So I plan on journaling everyday. Somedays it might just be a list of good and bad I did for the day. Other days I might just journal and include the inventory in my story for that day. I doubt I'll leave all of them up for just anybody to read. Oh, and I'll state if and when I don't post. Ok, this is getting long and I'm tired. So with out further adieu... my inventory for the day!
+Kept a positive attitude at work
+Gave somebody a ride home
-Stayed up too late playing video games (Bioshock ROCKS!!!)
-Totally slacked off on my inventory
The End