honestly... am i wrong or not? (honestly)

Sep 08, 2004 16:12

so i went into HSS to buy a bag of chips from the vending machine. OF COURSE, my chips get stuck.... my luck is JUST like that, trust me. Was no surprise. So i talk to the peeps over next to the vending machines and they tell me they arent in charge. So i try banging the POS and nothing happens. So at this point i have to go pee. I go pee, come back to see if someone wants to buy the chips behind mine. As i get there, a dude is. So my chips fall, and his get stuck. And i was all,
"oh cool, you can get my chips."
(gives me a funny look)
"i payed for those, and they got stuck."
(trys to walk over next door to tell them)
i say, "They have nothing to do with the machines. i already asked."...
the dick says, " Well i put money in the machine, and here are my chips. So i put $$ and here they are." ....
"uumm... right, but i payed for THOSE your holding, and YOURS are in the machine, stuck."
Starts saying some shit.... this is where i think this chip situation has gone too far... put my hand in his face and say "WHATEVER" and walk off!

ok.... so, whose chips were the ones that stuck initially?
A. Mine
B. The dick that thinks they were his.
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