Leaf's Pokémon Team Info

Dec 31, 2020 23:00



OT: Leaf
ID: 14526
Nature: Gentle
Characteristic: Good perseverance.
Met at Lv. 5, July 1st 2005, Pallet Town.
Moves include: Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Dragon Claw, Rock Slide, Air Slash, Shadow Claw, Slash, Earthquake.
Ability: Blaze.



OT: Leaf
ID: 14526
Nature: Relaxed
Characteristic: Often dozes off.
Met at Lv. 8, August 7th 2005, Mt. Moon.
Moves include: Spore, Giga Drain, Slash, Aromatherapy, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Toxic, Cross Poison.
Ability: Effect Spore.



OT: Leaf
ID: 14526
Nature: Quirky
Characteristic: Alert to sounds.
Met at Lv. 23, September 29th 2005, Power Plant.
Moves include: Thunder Wave, Thunder, Rain Dance, Gyro Ball, Metal Sound, Lock-On, Zap Cannon, Tri Attack.
Ability: Magnet Pull.



OT: Leaf
ID: 14526
Nature: Naughty
Characteristic: Thoroughly cunning.
Met at Lv. 17, January 15th 2006, Pokémon Tower.
Moves include: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Hypnosis, Dark Pulse, Mean Look, Confuse Ray, Toxic.
Ability: Levitate.



OT: Leaf
ID: 14526
Nature: Jolly
Characteristic: Loves to eat.
Met at Lv. 13, February 3rd 2006, Route 12.
Moves include: Crabhammer, Guillotine, Ice Beam, Brick Break, Flail, Metal Claw, Swords Dance, Slam.
Ability: Hyper Cutter.



OT: Leaf
ID: 14526
Nature: Adamant
Characteristic: Quick tempered.
Met at Lv. 15, September 9th 2006, Sevault Canyon.
Moves include: Defence Curl, Rollout, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Earthquake, Slam, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang.
Ability: Sturdy.




He felt himself forming on the floor, bright lights and loud noises momentarily obscuring his senses. It was still tough getting used to being in a Poké Ball, still tough coming out of the daze. But a shake of his head and a few deep breaths helped to calm him, and he started feeling better.

"Heh, that thing looks puny." He looked around, saw a small trio of children, the speaker being a smug-looking boy. "I bet Squirtle could crush it, no problem."

"'Ey, shut up, Blue," a girl sharply replied, folding her arms. "Your Squirtle probably couldn't stand up to a Magikarp."

He looked forward, saw the turtle Pokémon. So this was...?

"Well, Blue, Leaf..." the professor began, smiling. "Why don't you test your new Pokémon out in a battle? Ah, don't worry, Red, you can battle afterwards..."

He almost didn't notice the other boy, this 'Red'. He was so silent compared to the other two, just fiddling with the brim of his hat...

Before he knew what was happening, shouts were exchanged, Squirtle tackled him hard, he couldn't help squealing at the pain and the shock, and he was forcefully knocked backwards.

"Ha! See!" The boy called 'Blue' pointed right at him, grinning. "Look at how weak it is!"

"C'mon, Charmander!" yelled the girl, 'Leaf'. "Scratch! Show 'im what yer really made of!"

She was his new trainer, then. Squirtle now belonged to Blue, and Bulbasaur probably belonged to Red. Well, no point just standing there.

Taking the others by surprise, he quickly jumped to his feet and leapt at the opposing Pokémon, small claws outstretched, hitting, being scraped across the turtle's skin, causing it to cry out.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about!" His trainer was grinning now, pleased at his attack. "One more time!"

Before Squirtle could retaliate, Charmander scratched him again, sending him reeling backwards and almost knocking over some of the lab equipment.

"No! Squirtle!" Blue clenched his fists, staring at the dazed Water Pokémon. "Rrrrgh..."

"We sure showed 'im, huh?" He almost jumped, he was paying more attention to Squirtle than anything else. His new trainer was peering down into his eyes, smiling. "You're not weak."


Charizard is quite an agreeable, gentlemanly Pokémon, with a deep trust in Leaf and a range of powerful attacks. He doesn't act noble or grandiose about it, however. On the contrary, he has a bit of a problem with his self-esteem, and doesn't believe he's that great, despite his trainer's insistence.

He isn't overly fussed about battling and the like, and just follows orders without complaint, with patience and perhaps a hidden determination. He's certainly tough, too, and will stand up to things for as long as he can without giving in. As Leaf's strategy often involves battling against Pokémon her team are weak to and making them stronger through that, it's quite a useful and fitting trait.

When he first became Leaf's Pokémon, he really wasn't sure at all about it. She seemed to want tough Pokémon, and he was only a Charmander. Even after winning against her rival, was he really the right choice for her? But he carried on. It was only when he was her last Pokémon at the Pewter Gym that he began to see how much she really cared, and again at Cerulean when she recalled him before he could faint.

As trainers and starters tend to do, they grew extremely close over time. Leaf knew she could count on Charizard, and Charizard knew that she would never let him get hurt too badly. She was a little upset once she learned that he wasn't entirely into battling, but she accepted it eventually, something which Charizard is very grateful for. She did still use him, of course, but only when his power was necessary or he was the only member of his team left.

His confidence grew as they defeated the Gym Leaders and eventually became the champions - perhaps he wasn't that weak after all. He's still rather unsure of himself, however, and sometimes even timid if his trainer isn't around. He's very protective of Leaf, though, and will be very aggressive to you if you try to threaten her.

All in all, he's a good-hearted Pokémon, and he's very devoted to Leaf.



It wasn't unusual for trainers to be wandering around in the cave. Apparently it was near two human settlements, or something like that...? But they travelled through it often.

The amount of trainers in black clothes bothered the wild Pokémon. The humans shouted abuse at them, attacked them, dug around noisily and disturbed everyone. It was trouble. But what could they do?

He couldn't relax with all the noise and the risk of being attacked, so he scuttled on, hoping to get to a deeper place with less people about and with less noise. He might've been the first Pokémon to do that, he might've been the last - he wasn't really bothered about the details.

Absorbed in his own dazed thoughts, he almost didn't notice a girl tripping over him and the Charmeleon next to her. Huh. Perhaps he should've stuck to the sides of the walls instead of the main path. Oh well.

The girl called out something, the fire lizard attacked him with claws of steel, he was hit by something. Before he knew it, everything faded into a white light.


Dreamy, ditzy, and more than a little odd, it's not unusual for people to think that Parasect's mushroom must influence him a bit too much. He happily spends most of his time sleeping or wandering around absent-mindedly, friendly to any and all who approach him, no matter what their attitude or intentions may be.

He's actually pretty smart when you can get him to focus, with several strong attacks and status ailments at his disposal. While his dazedness can be a big weakness in battle (not to mention the natural disadvantages of being a Bug/Grass type), he does try his best to snap out of it when Leaf needs him. But if it comes to the worst, he has Synthesis, and he's always at least a little bit relaxed about everything.

Parasect doesn't really mind his trainer, as with most things, and seems pretty okay about being with her and the rest of the team. Some of them could do with relaxing a little more in his opinion, but oh well. He really enjoys climbing onto Leaf's lap, with no regards to his size or any protests, and sleeping there to make things awkward, whether it's intentional or not.

He's pretty much a great friend to anybody and everybody, with a chilled-out attitude and a relaxed view on life that could maybe be admired. Just be happy, maaan.



To be written!



To be written!



To be written!



To be written!

Last updated: 20/9/09.

[This post is still under construction.]

team, !ooc

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