Now that I’ve had a chance to read through and digest all of the feedback on the New Book, I feel much better about it
than I did. The deep flaws are still present and the text is going to require a substantial redraft, but I think I have a good handle on how to approach that. It’s going to require a complete overhaul of one character, a refocusing of another, some delayed reveals, some increased stakes, and a bit more attention to event planning, but I think the core of the story is strong enough that it’s worth doing it right.
In the interim, I’m just shy of 10,000 words into Ashes’ sequel-henceforth referred to as Alour-Tan II until I reveal the book’s real title. My writing time of late has been divided between that, organizing the New Book feedback, and getting my writing folders into a more coherent and backed up format, so I haven’t made as much new writing progress as I’d like.
1 Still, the time hasn’t been spent idle and I think it’ll pay dividends in the long run.
My current goal is to hammer the New Book into shape during November
2 and send back out to my Betas for a new read-through in December. That will, I hope, free me up to continue working on Alour-Tan II throughout December and complete a draft of that by early January ’14. The New Book and Alour-Tan II would both, then, be 2014 releases, with Alour-Tan III hot on their heels.
3 I don’t quite want to commit to Alour-Tan III coming out in 2014 at this point, but I wouldn’t call it a completely outlandish notion, either.
I’ve also received the New Book’s cover art that I commissioned from
friend and former 38 Studios coworker James Ball and it is freaking awesome. I can’t wait to show it off. Thanks, James!
- Assuming a target of 1,000 words per weekday, I should be at 23,000 words on Alour-Tan II by this point. [ ↩]
- I won’t technically be doing NaNoWriMo, but it seems a good timetable to use for the rewrite. [ ↩]
- Assuming Alour-Tan II doesn’t need the same giant rewrite that Ashes and the New Book both have. I have high hopes for it, though, since I’ve known for a long while where this story was/is/will be going. [ ↩]
Mirrored from
Ryan McClure.