Ayacon Report

Aug 24, 2005 21:24

Oh My Fucking Lord in Heaven, Thank you for that.

Thursday - I got up and showered and headed into Aberdeen for the first leg of the trip.
Train to Newcastle was highly uneventful, nothing much worth talking about. Got to Newcastle about 12ish and met Vicki - miss_meimi outside the burger king as arranged.
After meeting Vicki, we headed off down the long road to Warwick. Which was great, we listened to a CD of some Stand Up comedian mocking Newcastle dialect. It was bloody hilarious.
Arrived at Convention about half 5ish, headed straight to reception where I had my first random encounter. As I was walking I heard a voice behind me "Steve-O?". I'm in Warwick. A day early. THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! But In any case, I turn to find a tall girl looking at me who I don't recognize. And she knows I don't recognize her. She's made sure of that.
"I'm Yukki-chan" she says, at which point I go into con-psycho-mode and glomp her. Yukki-chan (hereafter referred to as Rachael) is a very good friend of mine who I love dearly and it was great to meet her at last. But she wasn't staying on the thursday, she was only there for a few minutes, so I waved her off and went back to Vicki-chan.
About 6 o clock we headed to the bar, but not before we met Gren-chan and a few others. At the bar I met Kelly - gaijin_invasion and Snap-san and a few others as soon as I got there. Later that night Nikki - winged_dark_elf and Sugahcat showed up and I met them. Kelly got *wasted* and tore my jeans. I won a little 4-way pool tournament involving me, Kelly, Vicki and Tom. Eventually we headed off for the night. I slept on Vicki's floor. I knew there was a reason I took 7 t-shirts.

Friday - The day it all began properly. I went for breakfast with Vicki, Nikki and Clare, then headed down to registrations. Steve-O-kun had his badge! Not long after that, Rachael arrived, so I met up with her, she got registered and we went off and watched Moeyoken. Which is rather cool. It's about these people who make sure demons are registered with an agency... I guess you could call it the anime version of Men In Black. Half way through that I got a text from Linda - yanakora saying that Aileen -reppy_ninja had arrived and was looking for me. so Rachael minded my stoof while I went and glomped Reppy-chan. Soon after that I went back to Rachael, while Reppy went off to her room to change and stuff. Watched a couple of episdoes of Honey And Clover, which was also great.
Later that day I met Vyse, Ali-chan - sofiel, Hannah - lantis, Charlie and James - miastarfell and "tigertigeruk, Lon - lon_c as well as mewski in her Rikku cosplay.
By the time that was finished we went to get some food then headed to the dealer's room. Saw some stuff that was rather cool but I was still skint at this point. However I did spot a few things for Reppy, and she bought them... a plushie of the much-missed J-rock star hide, a DVD of Saiyuki (which kinda ironic since I told her ages ago I was gonna get her that.), and basically by the end of it Reppy had spent most of her mone on things I had showed her. which made her want to kill me xD
Not much else happened before the opening ceremony, where we met the staff and got introduced to new anime and stuff. It was at this point that Rachael and I first laid eyes on "Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan" and we decided that we absolutely HAD to see that. Then Rachael went home for the night and I went to investigate the Card games room. In there I had a couple of games of pokemon and sold lots of Yu-Gi-Oh. I made £40 in there. After that I headed to the karake for a bit, met Linda, borrowed her phone so I could call nekotron. I rang her up and asked her where she was. She said "I'm just outside the social building". I asked her to turn around and I could see her. so that was another glomping in the bag. After that I went on a wander about and met Reppy and Kazzi. We then proceeded to drink the £40 I had made. And I also made another £40 by selling yet more YGO in the bar.
An hour and a half later and Reppy and myself went off to watch LOVELESS, which we didn't really watch much off cause we headed to the VK/J-rock party. and we drank more.
After that I tried to get a taxi back to the hotel we were all satying at but the taxi drivers didn't know where the hotel was. So I slept outside the bar. oh well.

Saturday - Saturday was the highlight of my weekend. Spent most of the morning looking for Rachael, found her eventually. Headed todealer's room again (had some more money now) and bought a Haro plushie (Haro is Lacus Clyne's little robot thing from Gundam Seed) and a Naruto headband.
I squeed. a lot. I am a little child when it comes to my plushie.
We went off and watched Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan. It's fucking hilarious. I love it.
Then we went off to kill some more time in the karaoke before the masquerade. Which was bloody good. Everyone's costumes were great.
Rachael went home again, and I joined a team in the pub quiz. WE called ourselves Team Haro (yes, my plushie was our mascot). WE did not win. We even lost to our personal rivals, "Team Of Doom All Over Your Face"
I went to the J-pop party. Which was fun. It was at this point where all the Regulars of the spam thread met up properly for the first time. Which was fun.
I actialy made it back to the hotel that night, but not before giving Neko-chan a green glostick, cause it reminded her of Mako. Those damn glow sticks kicked off the Mako pronunciation debate. We settled on Mah-ko by the end. Or actually, Neko said it was Mah-ko and well... I just do what fangirls tell me to.

Sunday - Got back to the con by 10, found Rachael in the Gaming industry panel. Went with her to the Yaoi panel (I promised her I would after all). Then we went off to the Panel Quiz. which was hilarious
After that it was time for the Blood Gig. That was bloody brilliant. I have lots of photos on my phone. If ever get them off I'll be uploading them.
After the gig, everyone started going home. So me and Reppy went for more drinks.(cause of COURSE that's what you do when everyone goes home). Thus began the post-con party of DOOM. (all over your face)
A veritable mixed up affair of alcohol, cards, and Steve-O running around getting everyone to sign his personal conbook. It is at this point where I met yuki_oni and rainedrop.
Finally, we all headed outside, where I volunteered to film the events on Hannah's camera. and according to Ali-chan I did a decent job. Eventually we all headed back to the accomodation, where we just sat and played games and stuff.

All in all, Ayacon was the most fun I have had in my life. I can't wait til Amecon and Auchinawa.

Personal thanks go to the following people.

Rachael - For putting up with me all weekend even though I was latched onto you the whole time you were there.
Vicki - For everything. The lift down, your floor, the pints of carling on the first night... just everything.
Reppy - for not killing me even though I made you spend all your money. And for being around when I had nobody else to go with.
The spam thread - You guys kick arse. hope to see you on a new forum soon.

Oh and one last thing, directed at luinecu were you there? I looked around a bit but couldn't see you. You were the one person I'm upset about not meeting

And that's it for my ayacon report. Phew, took a bloody AGE
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