Okay so I was having a hard time putting my thoughts about this ep into text form, so here is a picspam instead:
Tosh got a new house! It's much more feng shui-y, but I liked the old one better.
It was cozier and more Tosh-like I think. This one does make me think of Owen's,
though a little more thoughtful. I wonder if he helped her move...hmm...
Is that a dress, Tosh? I'm noticing how adorable you look and paying you a compliment
without directly doing so, so as to not embarrass myself.
It's about time you noticed me.
Tosh made herself as young looking as possible for her play-with-my-pet-past-
man day. Oh, Tosh.
Tommy noticed her nice dress right away and gave her an actual compliment.
She's so cute I can't stand it. Her mission was accomplished.
Owen laughs about the pants under the dress thing. He noticed too.
I love how Tosh turns her back on Owen so she can flirt with Tommy more easily.
Tommy's mother died when he was very young. This was interesting to me because
I have this theory that Owen lost his mummy when he was a little boy too.
Haven't quite decided if he's fatherless yet or not, but I also assume he didn't have
a good relationship with him.
Thank you for taking over so I can go play with my pet boy.
Be careful. (Don't have sex with him, plz) Oh, Owen...
Can't make an promises, Owen!
It's your choice to work yourself to death, Tosh... Oh the simple wisdom of the
114 year old youth.
No, Tosh doesn't have a boyfriend. 'Cause she's so lovesick for Owen. Poor
frustrated Tosh.
Should I call Tosh? She's much better at this than me. Let's call Tosh. I think we
should call Tosh. (And maybe I can preempt inappropriate sexings...)
What does go on in that head of yours, Tosh?
Owen doesn't know about this situation. He's very wary of these past-people.
He knows their type.
Also the thought of her sleeping with other men is making him need to toss things
aside aggressively.
I wonder if that spot they're in is meant to be where Tommy's bed was.
Owen's just concerned because he is so in love with her. Look at that face!
It's the face of love. How can you deny it?
Tommy can come home and have sex with me in the meantime. Can't he?
My goodness, he is soooooooo upset at the thought. He loves her so much!
I know it's cliche but "if looks could kill..." I think that look is directed at Jack.
He is not pleased with this situation.
Another unhappy post-coital moment for Tosh. I hope we get to see her finally
have a sweet and happy one with Owen.
This shot is wonderfully symbolic. Tosh closes the box on her pretend
relationship and Owen rises out of the box where she puts away her misplaced
romantic ideals.
The problem with it for me is, though, it reminds me of this skewed perspective
shot from
Strangers With Candy where you see Jerri Blank's head coming out of
a toilet.
I followed you out here because I love you...
...and I'm so very enamoured of your bravery.
I'm just saying "I'm 'there' for you..."
...and I'll be looking after you.
He watches her the whole time she's walking away. Love! Eeeeee!
This next one is also interesting:
A couple with arms linked passes between Owen and Tosh as she walks away.
So that's my totally superficial reaction post. I love this ship!