We found an apartment!

May 20, 2009 23:38

Well, we found a place in Medford that's deleaded. It's a lot more in rent than we're paying now, but y'know what they say about getting what you pay for. Our place right now is crap, and this new place is much, much nicer. It's a three bedroom place, which is a big upgrade from our small one bedroom. So we can have a guest bedroom and sewing room all-purpose room. Favorite little touch: There is antique stained glass (yes for reals) detailing on some of the windows. Also, the apartment is right above a daycare, which I'm hoping will be cute and hilarious rather than annoying.

We weren't even planning on seeing the place today, originally. It sounded like a nice place and we were going to be in the area looking at another place anyway, so I squeezed it in between the two other viewings we had (oy, am I glad we don't have to do that anymore!). Anyway, we saw it and liked it a lot, and had to decide about it pretty much then and there because an application had already been filed for the apartment. Craziness! We signed the lease mere hours after seeing the place.

The lease starts on June 15, though we may be able to move in a bit sooner than that since the apartment is vacant now. I'm excited to be close to Davis Square again.
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