Oct 28, 2004 14:19
Well I had my physical today....and I am officially an idiot. I know, I've been an idiot all along right? Well if that's the case then i should be crowned High King of Idiots (all hail!) Anyway lemme give you a bit of backround as to why; I was sick as a dog yesterday, infact I had come home early from work on Tuesday, and crawled into bed, which provided me with the stereo-phonic sounds of pleasure being recieved by my neighbors (at least I hope it was the neighbors, I could have been dilusional), and thusly spent all that morning and the following day in bed, leaving only to use the head. I awoke feeling much better...@ 1030pm wednesday night, did my prework prep, and made my way. When I got there I realised I had forgotten the chicken and rice I had made early on Tues, no biggie I thought, I'll just get one of the drivers to bring me some grubbage.....well appareantly, the 905 had a pretty big accident last night, and the CHP had the damn thing blocked....okay, well I have coffee to keep me awake...but no food for the calories and blood sugar....and I had to fast from 7am to 11am (11 being the time of my appoitment). So I get there a bit early, check in, the doc tells me my blood pressure is borderline high, but not serious, and he straps the tubing to my arm to draw blood.....Now for those of you that know, I have a big problem with my blood, especially when I am already slightly weak from non food intake, yup you guessed it, I passed out. Not fade to close to passing out, but passed out enough they had a real doc in there to make sure I wasn't in some kind of real trouble. I am an idiot, the doc asked me some questions, and laughed when I told him I knew that something like this would happen. Well aside from that, my heart is good, they took some x-rays, I can only hope those are good. All in all it wasn't bad, except they wanted to wheel me from room to room, to which I told them I was fine....after they gave me some juice. *sigh* Yup, I'm an idiot. Well it's off to bed for me, I have to get up and get some laundry done before work.