Oct 19, 2004 11:06
There are some things in this world that should just not go together, and I experianced one of them last night. Fine weather (clouds, cold, and rain), and a bad temper. But I suppose I should be used to that by now, it seems that I am constantly in a bad mood. I have found that I have been snapping even more than usual, and that's not good at all, cause I can snap alot. Mike says I need a.....release. It's true I get mean when I have gone too long without sex. I dunno tho, I mean, yeah I could call up a few women, and get me a fix so to speak, but the baggage that goes along with doin that just ain't worth it any more. Ahh, but for the having of cake and eating it too. Fuck I just want to scream, and yell and grind flesh into pudding! But no no no! Must be good and proper and leave the meatbags alone. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.