
Jan 08, 2007 17:36

My dears! You must buy your Flipside tickets now! Buy them now so that we can all be happy together and remember what life is for. You have until the end of the week to buy them. You can buy 2 per person. They are $65 each. It's totally worth it for this almost week-long camping extravaganza with art, beauty, fun, and the people you love most in the world (i.e. me). They event is May 24-28. If you want to hang out with me in May then this is the place to be! If you get in now, maybe we can have a super-fun camp together!! If none of you are coming, then I'll try to join the second most super-fun camp, Ish. (second only to the extra-super-fun camp that we could make if you all came to Flipside with me this year!!!) Think about it. But don't think too long because there's not a lot of time to get tickets! Trust me, this is the most fun of the year. It's totally worth it.

Buy them here: http://www.burningflipside.com/index_html#Tickets
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