Feb 07, 2006 06:52
The final grain of dust disapears in the wind
The clouds moving clear and the clutered sky becoming pure once again
The sun sets behind the trees casting the last shadows of the day
and the shadows of the night start to rise
I find myself wating for the night not to be dark
but to find the light that is always there
the glimmer that is overpowered by the great sun
A faint beam that has to wait tell everything is gone to show itself again
That is the true me. I am that faint glow that can only be found by the
ones who know where to look. I find it hard to tell anyone where it is
Scared to taint this hollow ground with the footsteps of another
because I belive that is the only thing about me that is
still free from being bottled up or changed.
But what really scares me is someone learning about
something more then just white light
The faint beam hits a small peice of glass
and explodes into many different rays of light
I am seen for the dark things in my life
I am seen for the light things in my life
I am seen for what scares me the most
I am seen for what makes me wake each day
I am afraid to show my true colors, so i wait for the sun to rise
and make sure i am not followed.
*This is my current favorate one*