Jun 11, 2005 14:48
Haven't been doing anything lately. I just got done chatting with Daniel on yahoo. He had to go shower, then go to work. Atleast he "gets out" everyonce in a while. Most I have done lately is go to the beach and get sunburnt, which I did yesterday. Though we wouldn't be able to though, because it started raining a little, and my cousins took forever trying to get there shit together. But we made it, and stayed there for a while. I want to get out so much. . grrr. I need friends, or a way out of here atleast. Yeah, other posts already explain that part. . . I want to get out though. I'd love to travel somewhere. . soon, and with atleast one friend. NO FAMILY!!! ERRRR Kristina maybe, she is kind of my bestfriend now. . . we're not close, or really close, but she knows a lot about me, and I hung out with her a lot in school, and was late to lots of classes, like history. Hehe. That might explain why I got a b in that class. Oh yeah, I made A s in all my other ones. I made Dean's list again though. Hope I can get a full-paid scholarship out of this state to somewhere else. I would LOVE that. Cali or New York. . .England maybe. I'm so bored and lonely and hungry, hehe. I went to bed at 4AM this morning, got up at 1PM or so. . . and haven't eaten. I only eat one meal a day anyways during the summer. I quit drinking pop ("soda" in Cali!!) or mostly have. I drink mostly water now, or tea or juice. I think I lost some weight, but I don't know. Would love to, but can't weight myself, we don't have a thingy. . I should go to a store, and just lay one on the floor and use it. It won't be accurate, 'cause I would have my clothes on, but oh well. If it is less than or around 145, I'll be happy. I weight 145-150 now, or before I "lost wieght." I'm always like that though, loose it in summer, gain in winter. . . but only b/c this is a dead town in the winter. But yeah. . talked about stupid stuff again. . very VERY VERY bored. Guess I'll get off of here for now.