(no subject)

May 11, 2005 04:12

Today I registered for my summer classes. I honestly can't wait to be back in school. Lord knows I need to get outta the house as well.

Purchased the criterion collections of The Life Aquatic and Hoop Dreams. Ooh gurl.

I've been writing a script. I feel like Grant, only if he wrote about trout fishing in America. Very, very poorly.

Had the most awkward and boring school orientation possible today. Only lasted 40 minutes though. Yay crackpot school.

Sometimes I really think we'd be better off grunting at each other and throwing around our feces instead of the stop and chat "you play your role and I play mine" bullshit of acquaintance. The lady from murmur at a show for example. Now I don't mean all acquantances, I love having little mini-friends of people I barely know (such as random people from classes, extended family, co-workers, etc), but have an understanding with. No matter how different we are from someone, we can connect on the grounds of humor alone. All we really need from someone is a smile to gather a great deal. Now from most of these people you can't get out of them what you get out of the people you love, but you accept the common ground you have and leave it at that. Humans are so quaint.

Mind you, pretty much anyone who reads this is more than an acquaintance, so don't go thinking I'm being a prick. Let me do that. Nyuk nyuk nyuk!

I must recommend the films High and Low and Children of Paradise to all, but especially those who have eyeballs.

Who wants to get intoxicated for midnight star wars next week? We can be the people that yell about hobbits during the course of the movie. If anyone who reads this can get in touch with Bryan Strickland, please do so.
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