written for people who don't like my inablity to spell.

Apr 18, 2006 19:16

On to French grammar, Freda Khalo, and the commentary on Tucydides. I'm reading three books at a time so I don't get bored and start playing old computor games....
It works sometimes.
Came up with some commentary on some commentary....
I'm alone out here arn't I?

See there is this German guy see? Name of Gompers, sounds like a candy I know. Anyway he got all gushy about This dead Greek geek who wrote a book about this war he was kicked out of. Gompers, the kraut, seemed to think that the geek was so far ahead of his time he was like, ya know, one of us. Then comes Cornfield, he thinks he’s so smart, he starts to complain about the geek. “He don’t know nothing ‘bout Darwin” an’ all that. Not that he meant any disrespect to Gompy, he just don’t see things dat way. See, he thinks that science can put laws on anything. As if we human beings get som kinda phone call from god or sumptin. Now it is true that for Cornfield, he thinks that you can plug in a bunch of numbers into a computer and get a graph out that tells us sumptin about being a person. Me though, I like the kraut. I think that these laws are really somptin’ that is supposed to replace religion, but with out the nice songs and buildings see. I think this guy is out in a cornfield if he really thinks being able to make an atomic bomb tell us bout being alive. Matter of fact, since bout the 80’s most people in the know are leaning my way. We is learning how to say “beats me chanp, maybe we won’t figure it out ever.”
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