On with the show, this is it!

Jul 24, 2005 20:40

Well, today was the final performance of The Pajama Game at the Thibodaux Playhouse, followed by the cast party, followed by me coming home, writing this entry and then maybe popping into City of Heroes for a couple of hours. Cast parties are kind of an odd duck -- if the show is any fun, than the wrap party can only be, at best, bittersweet. You've gotten to know these people, you've gotten to be friends with them, and even if they're people you'll see frequently in the future, you know this is the last time all of you will be together at the same time for that purpose that brought you together in the first place. That's kinda sad.

On the other hand, having a break is pretty nice after a while.

the pajama game, city of heroes

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