Jul 15, 2008 12:14
So I'm recovering from the wisodm teeth extraction. It wasn't that bad actually. I was nervous about the anesthesia, but once you're unconcsious the worrying seems to go away. Although waking up and feeling like someone punched me in the face was kinda interesting. And by "observation room" they mean "hallway," which is where they left me right after I woke up. I never even saw the doctor, didn't say hi or anything. And eating nothing but pudding for two days was exciting and sickening. At least I'm pretty much back to normal now, but there is still a small amount of swelling (still?!) and I can't open my mouth all the way, but I'm told this is normal.
I basically spent the week watching DVDs. I watched all of Black Books which I ordered off amazon.com. That series is GOD I love it so much. Like I need something else to squee about.
Did I mention that I saw Wall-E? Well, I saw Wall-E and it was FREAKING AMAZING. I can understand all the things people say they didn't like about it, but it is definitly the best Pixar movie to date and it is amazing. We also saw Hancock on the same day, it was very good too. lol, I hate that Kim knows me so well that she practically poked my kidney out when the Hancock/Ray moment came on, or maybe I'm just wierd. I didn't guess the ending, although apparently Kim did. Well I guessed the very end, but not the little twist thing in the middle, if that makes any sense.
Woot! Birthday in like a week and a half. I need to stock up on limes...