"So Ends the Story of the Lone Wanderer..."

Feb 19, 2009 19:10

"...who stepped through the great door of Vault 101 and into the annals of legend. But the tale of humanity will never come to a close, for the struggle of survival is a war without end, and war - war never changes."

Damn you, Fallout 3.

I finally decided to let Nexx Inara meet her ultimate fate as the hero of humanity. I even drew her in a pin-up that I consider to be my first official fan-art. We had accrued a substantial wealth, as far as wasteland wealth goes, and discovered many characters and places. Though, the reason I'm most upset about dying is that I didn't get to do every little thing I wanted. There was always more wealth to build, more tyrants and snooty bitches to annihilate, and more characters to meet, like that android I never found. Along with that bastard who put a hit out on me.

Well, next time I'm not going to be so nice.

Next time, my ambitions and personal desires will focus like a laser and get me what I want to know, no matter who or what gets in my way. I'm going to sell those little Neverland brats into slavery and blow up Megaton. And I'm gonna enjoy it.

Mwah ha ha ha ha ha!!!


games: fallout 3

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