Have you ever had one of those weeks???

Jun 15, 2006 20:30

This week has been crazy busy!!! It all started last week when the group I was doing a presentation with for my SOciology class ditched me because I had to work the night they wanted to get together. Leaving me at square one, 2 weeks before a large powerpoint presentation with paper was due! I figured thats enough time though, so I wasn't really ngworried about it.
Monday rolled around and I slept in late that afternoon, so I decided I would pull an all nighter and be productive to get half of the report done. I was successful enough to have a part of the bibliography done as well as all 4 hypotheses I needed for the paper and powerpoint. So into class I go, feeling slightly tired for being up 24 hours. In the middle of the class he proceeds to tell us that the presentation part of the project is due Wed!!! A week before stated in our sylabus! Monday after class was filled with more sources grabbing, and some searching for visual aids for PP. Luckily since I am a volunteer with McAuley Health Clinic I had about 99% of the required information right in front of me. Unfortunatly I needed 9 other sources for the report.
Tuesday night I worked from 4-8. I have never felt SO tired in my life while working, I kept making stupid little mistakes too. After I got cut I stuck around work, since it was super slow and I could concentrate to wite down a generic outline of the powerpoint presentation. I walked home and got my ass to work on it. Tom and Duane stopped by, Tom delivered some moral support, while Duane showed me some basics of Powerpoint. After they left I went head first into powerpoint for my report. I'd never used powerpoint before so I was a little baffled by some of the settings, let alone that my version is from 1997..
.. Fast Forward 12 hours....

Wednesday Morning 48 hours no sleep: It's Nine am. The sun is risen, the birds are chirping, I'm smoking a ciggy, and I'm staring at a finished report and presentation. Only 1 hour until presentation. I hopping in the shower (for some reason super studying makes me sweatier than rough sex... go figure.) Onward to the coffee shop for a quick super espresso breakfast! FOllowed by sitting there in class, waiting to do my presentation, watching my professor rip every group a new asshole for either not following the vague guidelines, unpreparedness, general stupidity, and other mistakes no matter how small... He flat out told 10 people (3 groups) they failed. Then it was my turn... The opening frame of my slide showed me how this was going down. As soon as the title popped up I got a compliment from my professor for the in your face attitude of the title. plus it had a double entendre. I flowed through my opening points smoothly, then went onto the hypotheses I had created. One after one I went through them, stopping every few minutes for a few questions my classmates asked me. Once I got into the discrimination faced by HIV+ people was when the commentary got interesting. I had a classmate take the side of buildi renters not wanting an HIV+ person in their building. "I wouldn't want someone with AIDS living there because he... sick, and I don;t want someone who is consistantly getting sick living in my building, They might make a mess, one I can't clean up" to which I replied "Someone who is HIV+ or in AIDS stage, if they are serious about their health, they will be the cleanest tenant you've ever seen. They have to stay super clean to avoid getting sicker." He tried to rationalize another argument against renting, to which I replied VERY coldly "Yes, because people with HIV aren't human are they?" (The entire class cracked up) I think I actually put him in his place too. After my 13 minutes was up I ended the presentation. My professor gave me a short list of a few things he wanted improved, it was nothing extensive, just some fine tuning. I felt GREAT though!!! I was one of 3 groups by the end of the presentations who didn't get ripped a new asshole by him!!

After the class I went back to the coffee house, and chilled out for 2 more hours until I started feeling sleepy again. I ended up also going to McAuley to check on Ric, I'd not seen him since I moved, and I also wanted to show him the report that I'd done. I crashed at 3pm... and slept for a total of 18 hours. I wound up being late to class the next day too, from over sleeping, on an exam day of all days too. He let me take the exam without penalty though. THANK GOD.

So now I'm on thursday night, I just got home from a 3 hour shift at work and am DEAD tired... what I would give for a more potent version of a cigarette. SO now I'm about to get ready for Outreach for McAuley at Diversions. I get to sit behind a table and pray that I don't pass the hell out. lol. oh well. It could be worse. I'm just happy that I managed to get everything done on time! I still can't help but wonder what the hell happened to my monday and tuesday, it's like I didn't have enough time, even though I used every possible minute for 2.5 days!!!

On the bright side I know I'm doing well in class, I'm almost done with it. Soon I'm going to be looking for a second job for the mornings, or one that would be nightime too, so I can cut back at Big Boy.
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