Jan 05, 2005 16:57
-now that i look back at all of the things i've done or said, i realize that i used to be a really emotional and really jealous person. cutting myself over certain things that made me upset, deciding that i would make as little contact with pearl as possible because ruben was her boyfriend, but thank god for me i got wayyyy over that and now im fine with her..and i "don't like ruben" if you would like to say so. and now that i realize i was actually a jealous and pissed off person, i've stopped being so jealous and i've stopped cutting myself. i guess 2004 just really wasn't a good year for me..except for getting over eddie and realizing that cristina was one of the closest friends i had.
-it's different now, me and cristina, me and cutting..i don't cut myself and i know i've gotten past doing it a little onto stopping altogether..which is something that, to me, is totally awesome...but me and cristina are now further apart then we've ever been. we're still close and lalala, but not as close, and it sucks to know that little by little you're losing you're best friend.
-me and kenia are close now, even though she know's i don't like some of the things she does, drinking, or smoking (even though i shouldn't be talking), but me & kenia kick ass together and we laugh a lot & have soo much fun and we're just closer than we've ever really been..well except for maybe when we were three and we didn't know what it really meant to hate someone. but im glad it's 2005..a whole new reason to be a different person
new year's resolution; become sweeter, nicer, and just totally more awesome to everyone and anyone i know
<3 m