Sometimes the stars are right.

Apr 25, 2020 22:27

This evening is better than this afternoon.

Which is not usual, my days tend to start okay but then slowly spiral down into madness, exhaustion, and cranky irritability.  Not necessarily in that order.

But I managed to take a walk today, and make rose syrup, so I've had rose lemonade. And then I had some blueberry crumble as a late evening treat.

Then I wrote some!

I've been having spurts of creativity around this Lovecraftian ponies thing that my girlfriend inspired. :3  We've seen a dead Cthulhu's dreaming cultists, a Zoog wood where meeping ghouls and fae-changelings live, and some maddening mountains with a singular servant of the Elder Things beneath them, and now we have arrived at the altar beneath stars that are right (or perhaps wrong) for the Thestrals to perform certain rituals...

It's been fun to blend Lovecraft and ponies, and I'm really hoping that the final twist will come off well for readers.  We shall see! I still have to write said final twist, and then probably let it sit at least a little, give it a few edit passes, etc. before it's fit to be shared with anybody.  But it's nice to be writing again, even if ~15k words over several weeks isn't super fast for me.  It's better than nothing!

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