Continuing blargh

Apr 25, 2020 18:09

It's very frustrating, having awful, shit, cranky days for no goddamn reason.

I mean, a lot of my being cranky was correlated with getting no time off from the goober child, but then I got all yesterday off, and I am just ready to murder the world today.  I don't know, maybe it's that yesterday wasn't restful.  I tried to use  my time off to do All The Things and that was maybe not a good idea.

Some of the cranky is probably also continuing hormones.  My "issue" has been fixed, but the fixing more or less kicked off actual, mostly-normal menstruation again, so I'm having That Time Of The Month cranky too.  I've been having hormonal cranky since mid-January, and I am SO DONE with that.

But some days just...are bad.  And some are good.  And there's not a lot of rhyme or reason to any of it, it feels like.  Which just drives me bananas.  How can I fight this and try to not be a pit of depression when I can't find causes for the depression?  It makes me feel completely powerless, and I don't like it at all.

Which is depressing.

Oh yay.

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