Merry Christmas, Bogland!

Dec 24, 2007 22:53

Before I get to the actual post, please allow me the following:

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Yule! Merry Solstice! Blessed Midwinter! Kickass Festivus! Something Saturnalia! And What-the-hell-EVER Insert Other Holiday Here! May your old year be remembered with joy and the new year bring nothing but chocolate and boxes of kittens.

Now. It has been too quiet lately, and I have been A Bad Person and not fixed that. So. I bring you THE ÜBER-POST OF DOOM!!!!!! Please, keep small children and animals safe and secure while the ride is in motion.

Follow the fake LJ cut to a Christmas Drabble...

And now follow this fakecut to my second Chazz/Jimmy Muzak Mix Of Awesome...

And now... the moment you've all been waiting for... the exciting continuation of my Christmas story.

Title: A Very Merry Bogtastic Christmas
Rating: PG-13 for Chazz, Jimmy, and Katie getting piss-ass drunk, Coach and Jesse getting mildly buzzed (or not so mildly), and heavy makeout sessions on the Berber.
Wordcount: 2,054
Pairing: Jimmy/Katie for reals, Chazz makes out with Jimmy, alluded-to Coach/Jesse, mentioned in passing Jesse/OC of no particular importance.
Summary: The eggnog gets spiked. Madness ensues.
Easter Eggs: Calvin & Hobbes reference, Ed Edd + Eddy reference, and what was supposed to be a Scrubs reference but kinda got twisted around and might not be there anymore.

In Chazz’s defense, it seems like a good idea at the time to spike the eggnog. Too bad he has no way of knowing that Coach and Jesse had similar ideas earlier and the egg is now more alcohol than nog. Generally, this would be a non-issue except that:

  1. Jimmy has no alcohol tolerance whatsoever.
  2. Katie makes a bet with Chazz she could drink more eggnog that him, who
  3. Has been gleefully planning to drink like a fish anyway, while watched by
  4. Coach and Jesse, who aren’t big on eggnog to begin with and can pick out the taste of alcohol a mile away, and
  5. Think it’s hilarious to watch the younger three get drunk off their respective rockers.

“Do you think we should have stopped them a couple drinks ago?” Jesses asks, watching them with only mild concern.

“I AM THE DON JUAN TRIUMPHANT!” Chazz crows as he races past wearing only a lampshade and a strategically placed hand towel.

“Nah,” Coach decides, “this is way better than cable.”

Having successfully completed his lap around the room, Chazz collapses back on the floor with his two friends. “I only ran into the wall twice,” he says proudly, setting the lampshade on his lap while Katie and Jimmy clap approvingly.

“All right, that means you can collect two hundred and capture Jimmy’s battleship,” Katie says, marking some tallies down on a scrap of paper. “Oh, and the score is now Q to 12.”

“I ammmm the Don Juaaaaan,” Chazz croons as he moves pieces around a board game that looks like the illegitimate inbred child of Monopoly, checkers, Battleship, and Guess Who.

“Does your person,” Jimmy asks seriously from behind a pair of Elton John sunglasses, “have a beard?”

“Sorry Jimmy Jammy Jubu, you must now go fish in Chazz’s House of PAIN.”

“Be careful Jimmy, I think he’s up to something.”

Jimmy waves Katie’s warning off. “Dare,” he decides firmly.

“I dare you…” Chazz pauses for effect. “…to skip your turn.”

“Aww,” Jimmy says sadly, hanging his head.

“Look at what you did Chazz! Just for that I’m doubling Jimmy’s score.”

“What? You can’t do that! Cheater-”

“I can so and I will!”

“Cheater cheater fink fink fink!”

“Hey,” Jimmy says suddenly, “what if Santa falls off the roof tonight?”

This is a joke of such high caliber that all three of them collapse on each other in a storm of laughter.

“Your boys are odd,” Jesse remarks, taking a sip of the eggnog.

“I was hoping they’d be in their best behavior with Katie here, but I see I was mistaken.” The two older men have been talking small sips of the spiked eggnog instead of chugging it and thus are only on their way to being pleasantly buzzed. Robert never is sure when Jesse snuggled under his arm like that, but he doesn’t mind as much as he usually would.

“Okay Jimmy, truth or dare?”

“Mmm… dare.”

Katie leans in and whispers in his ear. Jimmy blushes. Chazz, hoping that Katie asked for random living room sex, leans in eagerly to catch the action.

“Uh, Katie, not in front of Chazz and Coach…”

“You have to,” she giggles.

“Fine,” he mumbles, leaning in to kiss her.

It lasts longer than either intends, helped along by the copious amounts of alcohol in their systems. He shyly lifts his hand to her hair and urges her closer, and the scene has the potential to be extremely romantic had Chazz not interrupted it with gagging sounds.

“Ugh, what the hell is wrong with you people? Katie, I know you can do better than that, and Jimmy- what happened to everything I taught you? Were all those hours in bed wasted?”

“…uh, Jimmy?”

“It wasn’t as bad as he’s making it out to be!” Jimmy tells her quickly, to which Chazz emphatically nods his head and mouths, “Yes it was!"

“This is how you kiss a girl,” Chazz says, grabbing either side of Jimmy’s face and bringing their lips crashing together. Jimmy’s eyes go wide, then start to flutter, then slide shut as he gives himself into the searing kiss. Chazz inches closer, smirking into Jimmy’s mouth and accidentally knocking the lampshade from his lap.

Coach almost doesn’t notice when Jesse tugs on his shirt because he’s too occupied with the new tic that has developed in his left eye.

“Robert, I think now would be a good time to stop this.”

Jimmy gives a very aroused, very drunk, and very fuckable moan.

“I mean, unless you want a porno acted out on your living room floor, but just think of how hard it would be to clean the carpet afterwards-”


Katie, however, beats Coach to it. With a strength her slight form belies, she wrenches the two men apart and starts yelling at her boyfriend, “Why don’t you ever kiss me like that huh?”

Panting and flushed, Jimmy blinks slowly as he registers her question and the Sudden Lack Of Chazz. “I… I can’t do that to you! It’s not decent!”

“Damn right it’s not,” Chazz smirks. He stretches out and displays himself proudly until Coach yells at him to get some clothes on. “But that would be denying the room of the Chazz!” he whines, only scampering off when Coach chucks a shoe at his head. Jimmy watches Chazz leave, Katie watches Jimmy, and Coach and Jesse watch the couple on the floor and each other; all four of them are highly uncertain about sudden developments!

“Um,” Jimmy offers helpfully.

“That’s how he taught you to kiss?” Katie asks softly.

“He was just showing off, bein’ stupid… are you mad?”

“I guess not,” she admits. “I mean, it’s a really stupid thing to get mad over and Chazz… will be Chazz.”

“Uh-huh, that’s right!” Jimmy says, latching onto the single greatest excuse in history. “Chazz is just crazy.”

“Incorrigible,” Katie supplies.

“He’s always gonna do stuff like that.”





“He’s a really good kisser.”

“I know!”

Jimmy glances at Katie. In low tones he asks, “Is that how you want me to kiss you?”

Katie blushes and leans in. “Well, yeah…”

Robert covers his eyes and groans. “Oh my God, here we go again.”

“Shh, this time it’s actually romantic instead of nearly pornographic. Aww, you two are so sweet!”

“Don’t encourage them!”

Jesse sticks out his tongue. “You’re just cranky because Jimmy’s getting more action tonight than you ever have.”

Robert mutters obscenities into his glass but does not dispute that comment. “Speaking of which, how’s it going with, uhh… Rory, that Dominican guy?”

“Rico. And he’s Puerto Rican.”

“Yeah, yeah, same thing.” He takes another long sip and smacks his lips. Jesse peers at him suspiciously. Robert grins.

“Everything’s going fine with Ric,” Jesse says, settling back into the couch and Robert’s arm.

“Good,” he says, squeezing the other man’s shoulders a bit. “I’d hate to have to kick some Costa Rican-”

“Puerto Rican.”

“-some guy with Latino heritage’s ass.”

“For being a jerk, or for dating me?”

Robert splorfles on his mouthful of triple-spiked eggnog. Jesse smiles sweetly and goes back to watching the couple on the floor. Said couple is making out quite heatedly, but they’re getting sloshed enough that their lips keep missing their marks and long bouts of giggling interrupt the tonsil hockey. They don’t notice when a fully clothed, extremely drunk Chazz flops on the floor beside them and watches the snogfest.

“You know,” Jesse starts to say, but Chazz cuts in with a tremendous belch.

“Impressive,” Jimmy says, pulling away from Katie long enough to look over his shoulder at the older man.

“Thanks,” Chazz says, grinning like an idiot, “I’s been workin’ on that one for some time now.” Then he claps his hands together- or tries to, he can only seem to get the fingers to slap against each other- and says, “Now don’t stop cause I’m here, kay? I wanna see some AKSHUN tonight.”

“Your mom,” Jimmy mutters, but goes back to Katie anyway.

Katie pushes him away and says, “Iiiii think the room is spinning too much to kiss anymore.” She goes to grab at her eggnog but finds that Chazz had chugged it all when she wasn’t looking. “Chaaaaaazz…”

Chazz has plopped himself down between Coach and Jesse and is attempting to hug them both. “Heeeey how are my two pretty ladies doin’?”

Coach looks at Jesse. “To the kitchen?”

Jesse nods. “Retreat.” They leave a somewhat disappointed Chazz behind and go to hide for the rest of the night.

“Y’know Robert, I’m feeling like we’re in a bit over our heads.”

“Don’t worry about it. They have short attention spans to begin with, and they look close to passing out anyway.”

The two peek out into the living room, where Chazz is loudly giving Jimmy instructions on kissing his girlfriend. Jimmy is largely ignoring him, and Katie looks awfully wobbly.

“…I feel bad.”

“I feel like I’m gonna have a helluva headache in the morning, and I’m not even buzzed. Trade ya.”

Jesse snorts and leans against the counter, rubbing his forehead. “This has certainly been an interesting party… I think my favorite part was Chazz belting out that horrible rendition of Silent Night.”

“Boy needs to stick to skating,” Robert says as he nods, getting two bottles of water out of the fridge. “Here, anti-alcohol juice.”

“You lied. You have to be drunk, you’re just hiding it very well.” Jesse accepts the bottle anyway, unscrewing the top and chugs. Ahh, he almost forgot what an unspiked drink tasted like. “You remember the last Christmas Eve I spent with you and Jimmy?”

Robert snorts and sips broodingly. “If you could call that Christmas.” He starts to say something else, then shakes his head and falls silent.

"Don’t like to think about Darren much?” Jesse asks softly.

“We don’t talk about it. Jimmy…” Robert trails off again and takes a giant gulp of water, then looks pissed that it isn’t more alcohol. “Nngh. We haven’t even gotten to the presents and I already know he’s happier than he’s ever been today. Can we change the subject?”

“Sure.” Jesse hops up on the counter beside him and gets himself comfortable. “You were just telling me how you were going to beat up Rico the Puerto Rican.”

“Oh, yeah. Well look, I don’t like getting up in other people’s business- what the hell’s so funny?”

Jesse just smiles. “Oh, nothing. Please continue, this is fascinating.”

“Shuddup. Anyway, I just hope he’s better than the last couple you’ve snagged.”

Jesse’s smile fades. “Robert…”

“No, I’m serious, you sure he’s worth it?”

“He’s a good guy,” Jesse says, shrugging uncomfortably. “And I know, that’s what I said about the last one.”

“And the one before that,” Robert adds in that helpful way of his. “And the one before that-”

“Thank you for the annotated version of my romantic history.”

“How come when you get drunk, you get all smart-assed?”

“I’m not drunk,” Jesse snorts, “I’m not even tipsy.”

“Ha! Prove it then, if you’re so sober.”

Jesse slides off his perch, dusts himself off, and, arms outstretched, walks a perfect line out of the kitchen, into the hallway, and back to Robert. “I can do a handstand if you’d like,” he says, with no little trace of smugness.

“You,” Robert declares, “are an ass.”

“You,” Jesse retorts, “absolutely love me.”

There is a long pause. This is the kind of pause that many describe as “pregnant,” mainly for the reason it is ungainly, awkward, and extremely hard to explain to your parents.

“I meant it. I meant… you love it when I’m an ass.”

Robert looks away. “Not drunk, huh?” he says, softly mocking.

Jesse bites his lip and drains his water bottle, then crinkles it in his hand. “I didn’t mean…”

“I’m going to make sure they’re not screwing on my carpet,” Robert says, heading back towards the den and leaving Jesse alone in the kitchen. Jesse stares at the crushed bottle in his hand and throws it at the trash. It misses. Jesse curses and closes his eyes tight, rubbing his face.

“Don’t get mad at me for that, you idiot,” he whispers to the empty room.


Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

chazz/jimmy, fanmix, pg13, coach/jesse, jimmy/katie, drabble, lellenator, fic

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