Ever feel like your guts have been prodded by white hot pokers?

Feb 02, 2011 15:06

Well, fortunately Jasper's eye was no more serious than I feared. Just some irritation from a slight eye infection. I figured, or at least hoped, that was all it was, because one of my fears was that Horus might have caught him in the face during one of their wrestling matches and injured him, but again, when I'd checked there was no swelling or visible injury or damage, and he wasn't in pain. So there's a sigh of relief.

I even got a good cup of coffee for my trouble, as the receptionist noticed how utterly freezing I was when we came in and took pity on me.

Bless her.

We have received some medicine for his eye and were on our way. My wallet is smarting a little for it, but that's just because I suck and don't make much money.

At least I get paid weekly.

And while all turned out well for him, I, on the other hand, had a horrible morning. I woke up at sometime around 3, 4 in the morning to agonizing intestinal pain, and stumbled down from my loft (god, I'll be happy to have a normal bed again so I don't have to worry about climbing down when I feel like shit) to the bathroom. For a while I just kind of laid on the floor feeling that odd, floating, hot sensation like your insides are mimicking a furnace, but not in the painful way where you feel like you're burning. Then after a while I felt safe that I wasn't going to need the bathroom, so I returned to bed, cursing my kittens every step of the way for being so needy and attached to me that they have to follow me goddamn everywhere and I was practically tripping over them even though I was trying not to.

I spent the next 4 hours trying to go back to sleep, without success, as every 10 or so minutes the pain would return, like waves, giving me a good 20 seconds or so of pure agony before receding.

God, if birth contractions are anything like that shit, someone just kill me now.

Fortunately, it did finally go away around 8 or so, which I was grateful for as for a while I was wondering if I was going to be able to take Jasper to his appointment, as I had no intention of going anywhere if my afflicted state continued.

From the look of things and my logical assessment, I merely suffered a spot of pretty horrible indigestion.

But god, that shit hurt.

Kitten and I are both fine now, though apparently he is not convinced I am giving him the love and attention he deserves for having his eyes poked and prodded at, as any time I get up he circles my feet and cries and keeps trying to cuddle into my face or hand or arms.

Truly, he is the roneriest kitten.


kittens, blah

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