Title: PD #3
Rating: PG
Paring: none
Theme: none
Summary: Japan's first experience with a camera.
Warnings: none
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=5634161 Japan sat still. Like the photographer wanted him too. This chair was uncomfortable and the position wasn’t any better. But he was a true Japanese man. He would not complain while he was getting his picture taken.
That also was something that was uncomfortable; what if the camera took his soul?
Japan did not smile. No one smiled in Officer pictures. He placed his hands on the hilt of his Katana. The golden braids of his uniform were digging into his arm and it bothered him. His flag sitting to his left was still. He looked to the floor and kept still.
This was something his boss asked him to do. This was important. His boss has already gotten one and several of the senior staff have already also.
The Photographer told him to look down and the photograph was taken. Just like that. He did not lose his soul and it was taken so quickly. The photographer shooed him out of the room and about an hour later came back with a photo.
It captured Japan perfectly.
Japan thought he might need to get a camera.