Title: PD #2
Rating: PG
Paring: Hungary/Prussia
Theme: none
Summary: Austria was not blind.
Warnings: none
www.pixiv.net/member_illust.phpAustria was not blind. He knew that the uncouth man known as Prussia was in love with his ex wife. This revelation had come just before he married Hungary. He also knew that his ex wife was not as angry at Prussia as she wanted everyone to believe. The Aristocrat had known this for years, and have even expected something to come out of it but still, it could surprise him at times.
The living room had been far too quite for far too long. That is why Germany and he had gotten up to see of Hungary and Prussia had killed each other or at least seriously maimed each other. Their arguments have gotten that bad before.
Germany had gotten to the door first. He stopped dead and then a slow smile spreadacross his face. Austria quickened his pace to reach the doorframe and froze. He was expecting blood or at least damage.
On Germany’s old stuffed couch lay Prussia, on his stomach, asleep in Hungary’s lap who was leaning on Prussia’s back, also asleep. Germany turned around and walked into the linen closet and retrieved a thick blanket. Both Countries entered the room quietly and as Austria leaned against the arm of the couch with a happy bittersweet smile, Germany wrapped the blanket around the sleeping couple.
This was one of the moments where Prussia’s and Hungary’s love for each other really came as a surprise.