Sep 29, 2010 00:06
It is of the busy. I have a minimum of one exam each week. This week, it's two quizzes and a lab practical. Lab practicals are pretty much exams times two. I have to know over 500 terms for this one.
My parents and Matt are coming up on Friday. Matt has not been here since I started going to school, and I didn't visit him at college until he graduated, so I don't know what we'll do. Rave, I suppose. He likes alcohol.
It is cold outside. I hate this state. On Monday, it decided it was time to be winter. I do not approve. Especially when everyone is like, "Oh, it's fall!" because we actually skipped fall. It went straight to fifty degrees. There is supposed to be a time in there when you are outside and you had put on jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt but now you have been moving around and it's actually a little too warm for that just yet.
I want that time. Kthxbai.